" Who are you!?" I crave for an answer.

"I am someone you can't imagine even in your dream."

"You have to face the consequences."

"We will see."

I see Fahad running towards me. He must have seen the whole situation which is deadly embarrassing for me.The woman runs on a fast speed and I scream,

"Catch her!"

Fahad comes to me and picks me from the ground and he says very worrily,

"What is happening?"

"Catch her ! She took the diary."

"But you..."

"The diary is more important."

He nods his head and he helps me to sit on the foothpath and he runs.


Before I could get anything,a disaster happens.I run behind the woman.She is too far from my reach.I scream,

"Wait! I said, Wait!"

She keeps running and she suddenly disappears in the crowd.I have lost her.I try to find again but I can't see a single woman with a burkha or nikab.Maybe she has disguised herself.

I call the police to check the area.Then I return to Fathima.Her situation is too much worse.

"Why did the woman take the diary?Is she the killer? But how? We have to find her! She may be the killer! Oh no! I'm responsible for the diary! It could have more clues!" ,Fatima says these without taking a break.

"No, don't blame yourself.It is not your fault!"

"Yes,it is!"

"Fine,take it as your fault but later! Now you have to go to the hospital!"

"I am so sorry.....",she says with a regretful voice.

"You don't need to be sorry!"

Ya Allah! This girl is blaming herself without any reason!

I help her to stand up and I take her to the nearest hospital within a cab.I suddenly notice her crying.I ask her softly,

"Is your hand hurting? Just wait for sometime we are near the hospital!"

"I  am not hurt because of my hand but my irresponsibility! We now Lost the diary.What will I say to Mr.Gateson?"

"No, it's not you only.It's us! I also was irresponsible!"

"Stop lying! It was only me to lost the diary!" She says wiping her nose and taking a deep breath.

"I am not lying! Swear to.....(I bit my tongue) No one! I should have been more careful."

"Really? Why are you taking the blames on you? To show you are a gentleman or something? Or you are feeling pity on me? I am clearly saying you that I don't want any pity!"

"I know you are different but you are really really arrogant! I am helping you and you are blaming me? So listen! It's not what your Almighty Allah likes!"

She remains quite and she looks at me with  guilty.But this time I am really unhappy on her.Ok, I know I shouldn't be but how does it feel when you are trying to help someone you like and she refuses arrogantly?
It's a really bad feeling! I can't now disappoint her.I feel angry as well as worried about her.So I try to hide it and I look outside the window to ignore her glare which can melt me anytime,anywhere.It mesmerizes me.

"We have reached,Sir,"the cab driver says.

"Here is your payment."I give him and I get out from the car.I am about to open the door of her sit but I suddenly remember that she will refuse to it.So I start walking ahead the hospital.

"Hey! Won't you open the door?"suddenly I hear a voice.

I turn back and I see her staring at me from the window of the cab.

"Why will I, when I already know you won't let me open it?"

"No, I want you to open the gate for me."

"Really? Now don't moke me! I am not in that mood.Get out of the cab soon and come to the hospital!"

"I am not joking! If you don't want to, then say it! My hand is fractured and you can't even open the door for me?"

"Oh my Gooo.... sorry Allah! Can you please give me a routine when your mind changes? Cause I think it's more difficult to know what you are thinking than solving this case!"

"Huh! Stupid!"

I go near to the door and I open the door.

"Come out!"

"Why are you acting rude?"

"Am I? It's what you do with me!"

"Is it ? I didn't realize......sorry."

"Stop talking!"

She gets out holding her left hand with her right hand .We walk to the hospital...

Assalamualaikum readers!

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Assalamualaikum readers!

Hey guys! Sorry for the late update !
Now there's one more suspect here.You guys might be wondering who is the real killer ,right? No worries it's coming soooonnn!!

Allah Hafiz ❤️

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