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Why can I just move on and learn from my mistakes? Is it because I'm irredeemable or being plain dumb? But with time running out, I'll be slipped into defeat or even worse, death. Because of blood and oxygen loss, everything I see was blurry to me. I can't feel my presence anymore, everything slowly turning pitch back, and time slipped quickly like sand already. I had a feeling that I lost everything: my will to live on, relationships with Takao and Jintsuu, Amagi, the HQ, Atago, and the girls I promised to them that will visit them. The last thing I saw before everything turned pitch black was Friedrich der Große's shark head cores ready to blast my head off.

In the spirit realm

I slowly woke up and realized I was in a classroom. I started to straighten myself up, looked around, and noticed that the room was empty and baron.

Arthur: Wait, I'm still alive? Why is this place looked so familiar?

I question myself being here in this specific location, alive. One thing that I notice that I don't have the ship rigging anymore since once my back was on the backrest of a chair I'm sitting, I didn't feel any attachment point on my back. I thought for a second I was already in heaven or hell because Friedrich's shark head riggings ripped my head off from my body. I was wrong with my hypothesis. Where I am doesn't feel like heaven or hell at all, it was some kind of an illusion.

Arthur: I need to get out of here as soon as possible.

I got off the chair and saw that the classroom door was open. Then I left the classroom through that door and walked through the hallways. The hallways were empty too like the classroom and it felt like a ghost town. For some reason, it gave me horrible memories as I kept walking the corridors and it gave me headaches every time I remember the location where those bullies bullied me. In the end, no one didn't care about me when I got brutalized by them. I managed to find the exit at the end of the hallway and reached for a doorknob. Before I turned it, the door slowly opened by itself which revealed a room. I looked back if anyone was behind me, and all I saw was nothing. Once I looked forward and slowly entered the room, the door slammed shut behind me.


I knew there was no point in returning after that. In front of me, I was introduced to a door boarded up with chains. I didn't understand what it meant to me, but I'm on my own now. The chains slowly removed themselves from the door and vanished in thin air once I headed to that door.

???: I wouldn't open that door if I were you.

My hand was near the doorknob after I heard that voice. I looked back and saw someone behind me. It's like looking at a mirror, an alternative version of myself. I removed my hand from the doorknob and faced my attention to my alternative self. He had similar eyes to mine, but his right eye was neon crimson red. His outfit consisted of a darker color of my commander uniform with silver sashes.

Arthur: The UnderTaker... No, you're... a mirror, of sorts.

There were many questions to ask about my presence of being in this weird dimension.

Arthur: Where am I? Why am I not dead? I was about to be executed from Friedrich der Große and the UnderTaker!

There wasn't a response from him. Later then, he spoke to me.

???: Let me ask the questions first; is that door your ticket to leave this place, my other self?

Arthur: Why would you ask that question?

???: Answer the question; is that door your ticket to leave this place, my other self?

Arthur: *sighs* It is.

Lovestrike: Yandere Azur Lane Fanfictionजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें