Nijika nodded, "Yup, I noticed it, and I think Killua did as well," the female eyes the male who was lazy leaning against her, "The ring in middle of the room, it was similar to the Tenkū Tōgijō, the heavens arena. The initial project was to surely to organize fights or something like that." The female explained to Leolio and Gon knowing Killua already figured it out.

"So you two are saying that you think they changed their plans 'cause it became necessary for them to find those guys?" Leolio question as his eyebrows furrowed in thought and confusion.

Killua and Nijika nodded, "Yep. Whatever the time or money it may cost," Killua stated as he pulled Nijika to walk beside him, "The 5 million tax is to give the impression of a real conditional auction. The fact that the reward is a check, and not a high value object, don't you think it's strange?"

Nijika smirked as she nudged Killua lightly with her elbow, "Heh, aren't we a bright team?"

Killua's smirked right back, making the two of them laughed.

Though Leolio and Gon were slightly taken back.

'I'm literally seeing two Killua's....' Leolio thought with a shook of is head, though he froze when he realized what the two children in front of him were saying.

"No... You two think the objects for the main auction could have been stolen by.....?!" The older man gasped as he stared at the paper in his hand, "And in that case, there was only one solution remaining: launching an investigation notice in the thieves with a reward...!"

Killua pulled away from the girl and placed his index finger on his forehead, "Yes. You have to be dumb to steal the mafia's treasure. But we know a bit on those guys..." Killua paused as he looked at the female who now stood behind him, a look of confusion in her eyes, "The Genei Ryodan, or we could say the other name for them, Phantom Troupe."

Nijika froze at where she was standing.

'You better keep your promise' the voice of her brother echoed through her head as she realized who these people were.

'Holy shiiiiiittttt........!' Nijika thought as she recalled the times she met theses people, 'And I kept saying it was impossible for me to even meet one of them..... I've seen six of them already.... Dammit what a small world....'

"By the way...." Gon muttered as he stood in front of Killua, "I wonder what Kurapika could be doing..."

Killua cocked his head to the side in agreement, "Ah... That's true. He must be here, but he hasn't called us yet..."

Gon pulled out his newly bought beetle phone and called the blonde friend of theirs.

Nijika on the other hand continued to stand where she was, she was mentally debating to herself.

'Go against Sorata and help Gon and Killua? Or keep the promise.... They wouldn't know I'm a Kijime as long as I keep my disguise.... But if I get found out.... No... I already gave my stone to them, they'll know if something does happen to me and come to help....'

"Ne, he's not answering..." Gon muttered in disappointment.

Nijika straighten up as she walked to her friends, "He's probably busy, he works as a body guard for the mafia now," she explained as she watched Gon put away the phone.

"Eh?" How do you know Nijika?"Gon innocently questioned as looked at his female friend.

"I met him three days before cause I got here a day before we were suppose to meet. He's been doing good, stronger than the last time we saw him," Nijika stated with her tone laced with worry.