Chapter 24: Battleground

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Io then helped Rhea to her feet and helped her to the locker room.

The Nightmare was disappointed that she lost her title.

Rhea: can't believe I lost

Io: don't worry, I'll get it back; I made a statement

Rhea: do what you must to end her reign

Io: that's a promise

(Pierce and Colby vs. Lee and Dijakovic)

The DemonChild stepped up, but he didn't intimidate the Limitless Keith Lee. The match went back and forth between the two teams. It was on the Brotherhood's side after Double D hit Feast Your Eyes on Colby after the Black Flash took out Keith with a diving 4th Emerald to the outside, but then Dijakovic was taken down by a Case-Closer from Pierce to allow the Republic members to retain the blue strap tag titles.

(Asuka and Kairi vs. Billie and Peyton)

The IIconics hope to get through their friends and snap out of the Fiend's mind control. Peyton and Asuka started the match after the bell rang.

(Fast forward)

Billie and Kairi were the legal women for their team, and the IIconics looked to bring the Women's Tag Titles to the Brotherhood; however, after they hit their team finisher, Billie was sprayed with green mist from Asuka, forcing the match to end in disqualification.

(Travis, Josh and Geiz vs. Shepherd, Elleon and William)

Shepherd, Elleon and William promised Alexa to take care of the two traitors and the new guy, but would soon regret it. The American Nightmare Travis started things off with the Fil-Brit Brawler William.

The six man tag match was all chaos as all of the participants were brawling. The two legal men were Josh and Shepherd. The Sniper and the Duke were trading punches while Travis and Geiz were occupied with Elleon and William.

Shepherd countered an attempted 25th Hour from Josh with a DDT. The WWE Champion attempted for a dirty tactic by removing the turnbuckle. The referee stopped him and fixed the corner.

But as the referee was busy with the turnbuckle, the Scotsman Drew McIntyre came in and ambushed Shepherd with a Claymore. Drew quickly rolled out of the ring and hid from the referee's sight. Josh then crawled on top of Shepherd and the referee counted the pin, giving the win for the Brotherhood and a little revenge for Drew.

(Orton vs. Gargano)

The United States title was on the line as the Viper and co-leader of the Bliss Republic defends against Johnny Wrestling. With Alexa and Candice at ringside, the match looks to be even on both sides, but the Republic leaders have some tricks up their sleeves. Orton and Gargano locked up and the Viper transitioned into a standing headlock.

(End of match)

After Randy went for his signature moveset, the Viper looks to end it with an RKO as he was going to that place, but then Alexa shouted a better idea for him. Orton heard what the Goddess said, and he smirked evilly. The Viper methodically walked to the corner, and the fans saw that the Viper was going for his controversial punt kick. As he launched, Johnny countered with a superkick, fazing the Viper; he then locked in the Gargano Escape, but Orton managed to reach the ropes forcing a break.

Johnny then went to the corner to measure the Viper with the #DIY superkick. As Gargano went for the kick, he was caught in an RKO from outta nowhere by the Viper. Orton went for the pin and retained his title.

(Bayley vs. Tegan)

It was now the Raw Women's title match as Bayley defends against the underdog Tegan Nox. The Shiniest Wizard was now full of confidence and was now ready for her match. She got words of encouragement from Io, Rhea, Kofi and Roman. The Shiniest Wizard took their advice and left for her match.

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