A Throne of Lies

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"You kneel before my throne unaware that it was borne of lies."

People came every day just to see me. They flocked to my doors, filled with the hope that I could save their lives. Gratitude coursed through their veins once they left my house. They believed I was actually helping them. I laughed to myself. Foolish.

I walked into the room where the "magic" happened. Looking around, I adjusted knickknacks that were scattered around. I saw, perhaps ten people every day. Each one would confess their problem, exclaiming that I was their last hope. Each one was told that I could surely help them. Each one underwent some marvelous task, after being assured that it would save them. Each one believed that I had done some grand thing that would change the course of their lives. Each one entered & left my house the same.

Shuffling to my desk, I glanced at the cluttered papers. I had plenty of time on my hands; I really should organize them. Grabbing one from the top, I scanned the contents before throwing back down. It was a plea from a young lady a couple of cities over. Her father was sick & nothing seemed to help him. She begged me to come to them since he was too sick to be moved. I shook my head. That was not part of my business.

A knock was heard. My head shot up. Striding over to the door, I straightened my clothes. With a beaming smile fixed on my face, I opened the door & greeted the person who stood on the other side.

"Hello, this is Doctor Anderson. Why don't you come inside?" 

So, I decided to write a short story based on an old/cryptic/idek saying. This is what ensued. I don't even know where I was planning on going w/ this. 

~Kat<3    6/20/20

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