Coming Home

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                            Roses pov
I was 6 years old,   when i last seen my twin sister, older sister, and my mum. My dad had left my mum and had taken me with him. Leaving my mum with the two older children and taking the youngest with him. Me.

Now, 9 years later I was going home to England. I have lived in France for 9 years. My father works as a CEO of a large french company. Then there is his ever annoying girlfriend Elizabeth and her triplet sons. Ryan, Riker, and Ross. Oh and also one more thing you should know about me, I'm a witch, a muggle-born.

Lily's POV

"Mum! When is Rosa going to be here! I have to tell her about being a-" I started. Only to be cut off by the one person in the house who disliked my...uniqueness.

"She won't care! She's not a freak! She's normal like me!" My sister yelled. Petunia wasnt the nicest of people if you ask me, though we used to be quite close. She was all i had left after my father took Rosa away with him. Mum hates him for that. Her reasoning being that one should never separate a pair of twins.

The doorbell rang. I ran downstairs and opened the door to find sev.

My face dropped. Now don't get me wrong, Sev is amazing but i was really hoping for Rosa. And Sev being there let me down slightly. He's still my best friend though!

"What's wrong Lil? Do you not want me here?" Sev asked me. Oh great. He caught my face.

"No. Come in sev. I'm waiting for someone." I said opening the door wider for him to come in. He entered the house and I closed the door after him. We made our way to the living room. We were sitting on the Sofa when


The doorbell rang and I jumped up. Sev followed me to the door and when I opened it I was met with my father. He looked basically the same. His eyes the same as mine but his hair the same as Petunia's

"Rose. Do you have your school stuff. You transferring schools this year." My dad asked my sister. I looked to her and smiled. Of course i knew what she would look like. We are twins....she could have changed her hair though. She was dressed in a purple dress and brown leather boots. No heel.

"Yes. I have all of my things. Yes I do have all my money. Its in Gringotts."

"Wait! Rose your a witch!" I yelled. She looked at me. Her ever green eyes widening.

"Um. How do you know about the wizarding world?" She said. Right...we haven't talked much.

Sev was looking between me and rose. We looked identical after all. I also never told him about having a twin sister. The topic never came up about my father.

"I go to Hogwarts. Sev does too." I said. I pointed to Sev. My dad looked about ready to pass out. One witch daughter was enough. Well how about 2.

"TWIN WITCHES!" She yelled

"TWITCHES!" I yelled

Petunia walked down the stairs and hugged Rose. Pushing our dad out of the way and practically dragging Rose into the house. As if spending another second with father would ruin the last of Rose.

"Tuny! Do you go to Hogwarts too?" Rose asked her. I stifled my laugh. Petunia glared at me.

"No. Neither do you."she said. She must have nor heard Rose and I.

"Not yet. I'm going this year. I went to a witch only school in France. But last year I broke my wand. I need to get a new one. Lily, do you want to help me get my school stuff, since we will be going to school together?" Rose said.

Rose Evans, Her Twin {Discontinued}Where stories live. Discover now