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"Wake up, wake up," You heard a familiar voice call as your vision started to revive. "What.. happened?" you asked, picking yourself up. Skye was standing in front of you. You passed out from the storm after the Doomsday device messed it all up," she said, crossing her arms. She had a small cut on her cheek, and her clothes were somewhat dirty. "Well, at least you're awake now," She muttered as she got you some ice for your bruised head. "Thanks," you said. "I think that we should maybe go check on Midas. Also I'm pretty sure the Agency is ruined, so.." Skye said, Reloading her gun and grabbing her keys for a Choppa.

✨ • Time skip - to The Agency • ✨

You and Skye flied in a Choppa to the Agency to check on Midas. He hadn't called, so this would be a surprise for him. "Wow, it really is that bad.." Y/N said, looking down at the Agency. "Yeah, it's a literal wreck!" Skye replied, shocked. The once-beautiful, almost indestructible iron building was torn to pieces and in a worse condition than before it was built. Skye parked the Choppa directly next to the river by the Agency. You both left the Choppa, and swam to what used to be your workplace. "Now, if his office was destroyed, where's his office..?" You asked, confused. "I dunno. Let's search for him," Skye asked, looking for him. They eventually found him pacing around outside the Agency, his hands clutching his hair frantically. "Midas! What happened?!" You ran up to him, concerned. "Ohhhhhh, I oofed. I oofed up REAL bad..." He said, collapsing to the ground. "First, Luna (mE ) calls off our engagement and leaves me for my 'friend' Jules,  then when I try to make the storm go away, I just made it more deadly! Also, quite obviously, I ruined my workplace that took over a year to craft, What else can I screw up?!" He said as his eyes started to water. "Aww, Midas," Skye said, being as sympathetic as she could. "It's not as bad as you think. Everything can be fixed with just a little time," Skye said, her hand on his shoulder. "Yeah, it'll all be okay." You said. "NO, IT WON'T! My life is in LITERAL ruins! I lost my workplace, my respect, my control, AND the love of my life! How am I supposed to fix all of THAT?!" His voice cracked as salty water started pouring out of his golden eyes. "Midas," You said, thinking of what to say. "It'll be okay, we promise. believe it or not, things can be fixed, no matter how long it takes." You said. He slowly rised and turned to you. "T-thank you... I really needed that." He said, wiping his tears with a golden tissue. "I guess we better get going," Skye said, gesturing to the Choppa behind her. "Wait, isn't the Shark-" They left just before Midas could finish his sentence. They flew back to the Shark, not knowing what Midas was going to say..

• A/N OoOoO I left ya on a lil cliffhanger, didn't I? xD anyways my new schedule for new chapters is two days and then skip a day if that makes any sense.  Just a hint about what happens next in the story has to do with your favorite dessert food I.E. Ice cream so comment that and majority wins. Luna out ✌🏻•

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