In an instant, Prime's anger transformed into laughter. The sound echoed through the hangar. "Then you shall watch her die," he proclaimed. "And then, little brother, I shall end your worthless existence."

A high metallic hum joined the sound of the alarm as the bots behind them charged their cannons. Entrapta readjusted her grip on her own weapon, casting a last glance at Hordak. "I will leave those to you," he said to her. "Try to leave at least one ship intact."

"Okay!" Spinning around, Entrapta took her first shot into the line of bots.

She had modified the cannon to give it more firepower. The results were explosive, but the kickback nearly knocked her off her feet. The line of fire was dragged upward, slicing into one of the ships. With a groan and a roar, the ship erupted into flames, shrapnel embedding into several nearby bots. Entrapta's awkward stumble managed to save her from the first wave of laser fire with only minor grazing. Normally she would have had her hair to steady her. The cropped strands stood on end beneath her helmet as she sprinted to the left, avoiding enemy fire, ducking behind a large piece of debris for cover.

Resting her cannon on the debris, Entrapta fired again. She felt a rush as the modified laser cut through a long line of bots, reducing them to a pile of flaming scraps. Laser fire whizzed past her head, but she did not duck down, laughing as she fired a second shot into the line. At the rate this cannon was going, taking down the rest of the bots should be no problem.

One of the bots managed a direct hit to the cannon, nearly tearing it from her hands. Entrapta knelt down behind the debris to examine the damage. The metal was cracked and smoking, but it should still work with a few minor tweaks. She was lucky Hordak managed to find her gloves with her tools. Otherwise the sparks coming from the burnt wires would have singed her hands. Unable to do more, Entrapta brought the cannon back up and tried to fire again. The cannon whined loudly, shaking in her hands, before firing one last volatile blast.

When Entrapta peered through the smoke at the wreckage of the bots, none were still standing. The laser cannon was now useless, cracked almost in half by the force of the final blast. She would have to salvage another.

Leaping over the debris, Entrapta made her way to the scattered pieces of armored bots. If she could find one of them with an intact cannon, she could get herself another weapon.

"Ha! Found one!"

Dragging the bot's mangled torso from the flames, Entrapta got to work separating the cannon cleanly from the arm so it could still fire remotely. "Or I could just fire it from here," she mused aloud.

Tearing a panel from the side of the cannon, she set about rewiring the power mechanism. "That should do it!" Entrapta lifted the cannon and turned to where Hordak was still fighting two of the clones.

Hordak had managed to hold his own so far, but he was visibly tiring. The clones would overpower him if she didn't do something. Taking aim and hoping she wouldn't hit Hordak, Entrapta activated the laser.

Nothing happened.

Letting out a groan of frustration, she turned the cannon over and reexamined the connection. It should have worked. What had she done wrong?

Ahead of her, Hordak managed to knock another clone to the floor, finishing him off with a solid strike to the head. Entrapta would have cheered, but the final clone was already on top of him, taking the opportunity to strike him from behind. The blow landed with brutal precision, right at the base of Hordak's neck.

Hordak's eyes dimmed. Entrapta watched in numb shock as he collapsed to the floor. The final clone left him where he fell and began to advance on her, but she was still staring at Hordak, the cannon hanging loosely in her hands.

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