Chapter 51: LAURA

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(Sorry for not updating but i am going to do a second update today to make up)

(Can we take the comments upto a 100 on both of them? ;) hehehe)

I have been waiting for George all day long. I know that he will come and visit. No matter how he took my comment he just can't leave me right now when I need him the most.

"He's not going to come," my nurse said as I asked about him for the fifth time today.

I sighed. Honestly even if I had offended him he still should not do this. I need him right now the most and he still is not here to be with me.

I ate my mashed potatoes that the nurse bought but hey tasted metallic so I refused to eat them anymore. I have no idea how Lynn managed to eat these things. I just miss mom's cooking back home. Home. It had been so long since I have been there. It seems as though centuries have passed since the time that we were on our trip. It may even be the last one we have as a family. I really hope this is not the case. I still hope that Lynn can be saved, that she becomes alright and that I can get okay too because now that I am thinking about it I don't wanna go.

This is where I lost it. I regret my decision of keeping this to myself. I did this for my family but they are not even trying to understand. George is being so selfish. Lynn literally doesn't know about her tomorrow and I am here crying like a dyeing eel.

I cried and cried just so I can empty myself because all I wanted to do is rant on someone but I have no one. I am just all alone.

I don't know for how long I kept shedding tears before I felt someone's hand over my neck pulling me over.

It was mom. She hugged me as I kept crying into her chest feeling more and more empty. But it was a good kind of empty.

We both cried tears of our despair. Me crying because I don't want anything to change and her crying because she knows that things would change and that none of us would be our carefree selves after all this.


It has been two hours since I explained everything to mom and dad. They both are still a little sad that I didn't do anything that could have prevented this thing but at least now I am feeling a little better and... peaceful.

Right now we are sitting in the hallway waiting for the attendee to bring my reports. To see how much damage has been done.


We got my reports an hour ago and the doctors gave us the worse news of our lives. They said that my heart has become so weak, so damaged that there is only one chance of my survival and that is a heart transplant.

The thing is that there are literally no matches for me. Nobody has the best heart to donate to me and the time is really less.

Nobody knows what will happen to me.

I am crying tears of bitter regret. If only I would have told everyone. But now I can't rewind the time. I wish I could.


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Stay tuned for the second update today :)

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