"Um... Izuku's foot is stuck in the door."

"In?" His mother asks with a bit of a tilt. "Like insi—"

"Inside the door, yeah."

Getting up to see for themselves, they had the clear view of Izuku carefully using the doorknob to balance himself as he hung upside-down by his foot.

The hole went straight through the flimsy wood of the door, and his foot, thankfully, was fully scaled and protected from splintering edges.

Rabbit ears swiveled at their arrival and Izuku looked up. "St-uck," he said awkwardly and trembling in his effort not to slip off the handle.

Shouta put his face in his hands and groaned. "I'll pay for a new door."

Luckily, Shinsou's parents weren't too upset that a feral-raised child put a foot to their son's door and was still willing to allow the younger Shinsou to stay over.

Which brought to a new problem.

Shinsou did not yet know about Izuku's bigger form and Shouta did not want him to learn about it while he was out patrolling.

Because the kid would find out about it right away.

Which led to Shouta sitting down Shinsou and explaining to him about Izuku's quirk.

As it turned out in the end, he didn't need to worry.

As a ten year old boy, finding out your friend can turn into a large, very easily ridden, creature was pretty much the coolest thing to exist.

Shinsou wasted no time in stroking Izuku's thick soft fur and to admire how cool his scaled half was as he rapped his knuckles on his hind legs testing their toughness.

Izuku preened at the praises, looking genuinely pleased with himself. It was the first time Shouta realized just how proud the boy must be of his other form.

When Hizashi showed up at the apartment, he was greeted with a small Shinsou Hitoshi riding a shifted Izuku around the house like a majestic steed on their way to war in a room way too small.

Not that the two children seemed to mind as they knocked over books and picture frames off the walls.

Six months pass in what seems like a blink of the eye and little Izuku was a terrifying sight to behold.

The moment Nezu had decided Izuku was far along enough to learn how to read and started to teach him the basics, Izuku pounced on as many books as his grubby little hands could reach at his current level.

Which was, still low and mostly revolved around younger children's books, but he was starving for them. He was finally able to put a story to the beautiful pictures he would admire for hours on end.

At first, he read silently to himself until Shouta suggested that he read out-loud to help with his pronunciation skills and allowed the hero to correct the curly haired child if he was off. His accent was still thick and snappish, making Shouta wonder if his damaged tongue is causing him more troubles than the doctor originally thought.

But doctor Yasushi told him it was alright, and Izuku didn't seem too bothered with it himself, so he pushed it from his mind for now as he walks into the police station.

"Oh, good! You're here!" Came Tsukauchi's greeting as he walks up to the hero with a steaming white mug in his hand.

"You mentioned you wished to speak to me after my patrol, so I thought I would just drop by on my way home instead of calling in later," Shouta grunted, sliding off his yellow goggles from his eyes and placing them to rest around his neck.

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