The Mystery Gang

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"hey Sam!, i think I found something over here!" Called Spencer Turner looking at a piece of old brown parchment stuck in a crevasse on the side of a volcano. "what is it?"asked Sam Trotter now walking away from a dusty old rock he had been studying carefully for the past hour. "come look it's a parchment stuck in the volcano!" said Spencer with a puzzled look on his face.'try taking it out' cried Sam. "okay, okay!," said Spencer in a irritated look as he slowly pulled the parchment out of the crevasse. "my hands stuck!" Cried Spencer. "settle down' said Sam calmly."it's getting hot Sam!, help me!" cried Spencer once more. "here we go!" said Sam to himself yanking on Spencer's arm.Just than the rock of the volcano that the two men had been crouching on started to rumble and shake. "HELP!,QUICK!" Cried Spencer with tears in his eyes "I'll go get the fire department" cried Sam as he ran down the volcano.When Sam got back to the volcano there was nothing in site but bubbly gooey all  most hardened black lava.     

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