Seven slammed the door and went back into her room.


"Come in." Harmony said as someone knocked on her door. "My favorite sister of them all." Cree said walking in with a smile. "What do you want?" Harmony asked. "Call Seven and tell her i'm crying." He whined sitting on her bed. "What?" Harmony asked laughing. "I miss her. I guess I messed up and now she mad." Cree said. "Creation what did you do?" Harmony asked. She was disappointed in him because she really liked Seven.

"I just told a little lie. Well actually not even that because I didn't lie I just didn't tell the truth." Cree said. He was drove as fuck but it was nobody's fault but his. He knew this lie was gonna catch up with him and he would eventually have to tell Seven the truth. But not so soon. Atleast not while she was pregnant and extra hormonal. He didn't know what was going through her head but he had to find out. "So she found out about Krissy huh?" Harmony asked.

"Yessss. Help me Harmony what do I do?" Cree asked. "Beg for forgiveness and pray she takes you back." Harmony replied shrugging. Cree smacked his teeth. "You know i'm not going out like that." He said. "You just told me to tell her you was crying.." Harmony said. "I know I wasn't thinking straight." Cree said. "Mhm. Just call her or better yet go see her and apologize. That's the only way she might not leave you." Harmony said. "I'm not finna beg for nobody ima just throw that out there and let it be known." Cree said.

"Okay Creation." Harmony said. He was just talking because he knew for a fact he wasn't about to let Seven go like that. Either she was gone forgive him or she was gone have to die. Straight up. "So can you call her and see what she doing. You know make sure she cool she might be hungry I didn't feed her. Oh my god I didn't feed her." Cree said coming to his senses. "Oh my god you didn't feed her?????" Harmony asked being dramatic. "No.." Cree said. "It's over. It is over." Harmony said throwing her hands up. "You gotta go now! Take her some food before it's too late. It might already be." She added.

"You right. You right okay ima finna go thanks so much." Cree said. "Wait what should I get her?" He asked. "Whatever she likes I don't know." Harmony said. "She likes everything!" Cree yelled. "Oh. Well shit Cree get her everything then I don't know." Harmony said. "Good idea." Cree said. "Alright i'm out I love you." He said. "I love you too Cree good luck." Harmony said as he walked out the door. She pulled out her phone and texted Quincy that he could come pick her up now and smiled.

They were going on their first date and Harmony was definitely nervous. Well terrified was the word. She had never been on a date before and she didn't even know where to start. Her hair was styled in a middle part bob and she had already fixed it up so all she had to do was find a outfit. Problem is, she had a billion options to choose from. Harmony didn't even know where they were going so that didn't help. She didn't know what to do and she didn't wanna call Dream or Chloe because they were being too nosy lately. So she called Seven.

"Seven I have no Idea where to take this girl. Help me please." Quincy cried. He was in her bed once again. "Quincy can't you see i'm going through my own crisis." Seven said. "Look that's cute and all, but I need help real quick. I wanna go somewhere special. I usually just take a bitch to McDonald's and that be that." Quincy said. "Take her ice skating or something. Girls like stuff like that." Seven said. "Nigga ion know how to ice skate what the fuck." He said. "Well shit I don't know then Quincy." Seven said. Her phone rung. "Well isn't that a coincidence." She said showing him who it was.

"Hello?" Seven asked. "Yeah girl I need help." Harmony said. "What you need help with?" Seven said. "Girl I have no idea what to wear and Quincy won't tell me where we're going." Harmony said. "Well don't tell him I told you, but he's taking you ice skating and out to eat." Seven said. Quincy looked at her with wide eyes. "Really?" "Mhm girl." Seven said smiling. "Oh my god i'm so nervous." Harmony said. "Don't be nervous just be yourself. He really likes you. Honestly he's been talking about you since yesterday." Seven added trying not to laugh.

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