Cutie Bunnies (Rabbit! Child! Yusaku x Reader x Rabbit! Child! Ryoken)

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A young teen name Y/n L/n was about to head out for a walk. She wants to wear something that doesn't attract attention, not that she's popular or anything, she's just a normal girl.

 She wants to wear something that doesn't attract attention, not that she's popular or anything, she's just a normal girl

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After changing, she goes for a little walk. 'Thank god, it's Friday. Now, I can get my mind out of that math test... I hate it so much!' Y/n continue to walk to her favorite coffee shop and ordered her usual drink.

After getting her order, she decided to walk back as she passed by a pet store but stops for a bit and walks backwards and checks on the glass. She looks closely and to her surprise, she sees a rabbit snuggling the other one.

"Ka-Kawaii~!" Y/n thought it was cute so she entered the store to get a closer look at them

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"Ka-Kawaii~!" Y/n thought it was cute so she entered the store to get a closer look at them. She watched them played as she squeals quietly. "Cute, isn't it?" Y/n looks to the right and sees the owner of the store, "These two are inseparable" "They are?" Asks Y/n as the owner continues, "This little one was brought here by his owners since they couldn't care for him and on that same day, this poor fella was found by one of the employees here. When we paired them up, they instantly bonded"

"Has anyone adopt them yet?" "We were hoping someone would adopt both of them since they're very close but eventually, some wanted to adopt them seperately" The owner explains which Y/n nodded in understanding. She looks at them and could clearly tell these two are inseperable friends. She was quiet for a bit until she made her decision and spoke, "I could adopt them".

After filling out the information and paying for the rabbits, Y/n leaves the store with the little bunnies in her hands as she heads back home. After entering the house, Y/n released the bunnies and says, "Here you go, little ones. Welcome to your new home." She watched as these two began to play around while her eyes twinkled in adoration.

" She watched as these two began to play around while her eyes twinkled in adoration

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