I rolled my eyes, pulling him up.

"I was just playing I hate when people touch my feet. I hate feet."I cringed.

He laughed softly.

"I like it when your demanding, when you called me cracker, eh."He chuckled.

"Sorry, but you are."I shrugged.

"Oh honey your whiter than me."He pointed his finger at me.

I bit his finger softly and he pulled his finger back.

"Ow."He fake pouted.

"Oh shut up."I giggled.

"What is going on right now?" Za asked annoyed.

He poured himself some orange juice and sat down.

"I called him a cracker."I said.

Za spit out his orange juice and started laughing loudly.

"Shut up Za!"He yelled.

"At least I ain't pastie."He looked at me and gave me a sassy look.

"Comes from the one that looks like he played the lead role of All 5 casper the ghost movies."I shot back.

Khalil scream was heard across the house and Za was rolling on the floor from the laughter.

"It sucks not to win huh?"I smiled sweetly.

"I always win sweetheart." He smirked.

"Not today."I flipped my hair walking out of the kitchen.

I smiled at Khalil and Chaz as they were laughing.

I walked up the stairs and skipped to my room casually. I loved getting on Justin's nerves so much. It gave me a sense of control.

I started to get ready for the day, because today is pretty big. I finally get to see everyone again,but the only thing that is hard about this situation is explaining to them that Justin isn't a bad guy. Well he is .... but not to me. To me he is the person that I fell in love with years ago--But I finally get to go back to ballet classes, and hopefully be in the play here soon. I have been practicing for the time I have been here. Which has felt really long.

I just can't stand to be trapped in one place for so long. I feel so claustrophobic, like I have been trapped in a box and haven't breathed the outside air in a while. So today would be a huge relief. Not only for me but for everyone else.

I kinda wondered how Justin felt about this situation. He wanted me in his possession again, he got me and I'm surprised he is letting me go to live in a different house. I have to admit it's gonna be sad not living in this house anymore, I'm gonna miss everyone. I'm gonna miss waking up to Justin every morning. It just shocks me how Justin and I were so close a long time ago and that connection, the feelings they still linger. Like how many times he would hurt me, break me, or twist me in anyway I still find myself staying with him. Its like he broke me and everyone would come to fix what is broken, but he was the only one that could put the pieces he broke back together. He new the pattern to my heart, and he new it so well that it made me question If I new myself as much as he knew me. Same for me with him, I think I know him more than he knows himself. He covers himself with this bad image and I knew all along he wasn't this kind of person. This Jason McCann is his book cover, and I was the only one to read inside. Not only would I feel honored I would feel like I had a responsibility to keep things between us. I wish explaining to my parents that Justin is back would be easy. My mom missed Justin ever since he left in 2010. She cried, but not as much as me.

The Boy From Hell j.b/j.mWhere stories live. Discover now