Chapter 01: Hide it away

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His brush hurriedly slid over the last document as Madara finally finished his urgent to-do pile.

What an unexpected relief. He rolled his tense shoulders.

Since the creation of Konoha there usually was no end to the urgent paperwork with many days filled with necessary overtime. But today he was able to catch up on it before afternoon.
And all thanks to the Shimura clan's representatives suddenly cancelling on their appointment with him this morning due to some supposed health problems he couldn't care less about.

Maybe they were scared and had hoped they got appointed a different Konoha representative than him? He huffed bemused.

Honestly though, how Hashirama thought that he was a good choice to show them around the new village they were considering to join, he didn't even waste any energy to try to understand.

It wasn't as if it was a well kept secret that most people outside of his own clan even in Konoha feared him and appeasing people who irritated him wasn't one of his strong suits. Besides, it was glaringly obvious that it wasn't very hard to anger him with his short and widely known temper either. He got annoyed fast, real fast.

Hence Izuna's almost regular meetings with their koi pond back at their old clan compound. Don't get him wrong, he loved his little brother dearly and would do anything to protect him but he in return loved to push his buttons like younger siblings tended to do and it wasn't as if he couldn't swim, was it?

He looked at the finished document in front of him, already starting to get irritated and sighed. Now came the annoying part.

Since this was a project he was forced into joining forces with Tobirama, the other had to take a look at it and sign as well. That wasn't the hard part, though.

Getting it done without starting a fight that would take precious time off of his soon free afternoon? That was the tricky part because they basically started fights over nothing all the time. Even when no words left their lips, just seeing each other in the halls prompted heated glaring. Or ice cold looks in the albino's case.

Surprisingly it was Izuna who had recently started trying to convince him time and time again that the younger Senju wasn't actually too bad.
Very misunderstood, nice even. Right.

Surprisingly though the two heirs recently indeed became friendly with each other if his brother was to be believed.

And wasn't that bizarre? His little brother who used to vehemently despise the bare notion of peace with the Senju, just recently warmed up to his rival who almost killed him in the last battle of the war.

Izuna had mentioned something about actually spending time with the frosted bastard and getting to know him as his reasoning when he questioned him.
But honestly? What was there even to know about him other than that he had a stony face and irritating personality.

He picked up the paper and took it to Tobirama's office. He didn't have to knock for his presence to be known because the albino was a creepily good sensor and didn't even have to try, to be able to know what chakra signature belonged to whom as long as he had chakra left. And the Uchiha clan head's chakra was enormous and hard to miss to begin with.

But not knocking usually led to them fighting because the man hated when people unsolicitedly imposed on his personal space and for once today's goal wasn't to rile him up. So he braced himself, knocked and entered when he heard a muffled reply.

He was going to wordlessly hand the paper to the white haired man to sign and then hurriedly leave before one of them could say or do anything to irk the other's temper.

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