1. Papa and Matty

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March, 2015

Louis awoke when he felt someone crawl inside the bed next to him, and then that same someone lifted his arm and cuddled against him. He opened his eyes and looked down and saw a little head resting on his chest.

Louis couldn't help but smile, ever since he changed his son's crib for a bed, he did this when he woke up before Louis, which was almost every day. He wasn't one of those kids who jumped on the bed to wake up their parents, he just got inside his bed and cuddled with his papa until he woke up.

Louis looked at the alarm clock on his nightstand, it was 7 A.M on the first free Sunday he'd had in months.

"Morning Matty" Louis said sleepily and kissed his head.

"Hi papa" Matty said looking up, he had the most beautiful green eyes in the world, and he had them wide open.

"You want to sleep a little more or you want breakfast?" Louis asked him hoping for the first.

"Bweaky!" Matty cheered.

Louis internally groaned, he wanted to sleep more, he got home late last night, there was a big wedding he had organized, and he had to be there to supervise everything.

"Okay let's go" he said and got out of the bed.

"Papa up!" Matty said standing on the bed and lifting his arms for Louis to carry him.

"You're getting a little big for this monkey" Louis said but picked him up and placed him on his hip.

"No, I papa's baby" Matty replied

"That you are" Louis said and poked his little nose "You want to go potty before breakfast?".

Louis checked his nappy from the outside, it seemed dry. Matty was pretty much potty trained already, but he still wore nappies at night to avoid accidents. During the day he was usually a good boy and he let Louis or his nanny know that he had to use the potty.

"Yes pwease" Matty answered nodding his head.

After that was done, Louis put Matty on his hip again and they went to the kitchen to have breakfast.

"What do you wanna eat today baby?" Louis asked his son.

"Mmm" Matty put on his thinking face, it was the cutest "Ewgs...no... Cheers!".

Cheers were cheerios, he loved them.

"Good choice Matty" Louis said while he walked inside the kitchen.

"Yay" Matty smiled.

Matty was a very happy boy, he was always smiling, showing his cute dimple on his right cheek.

"Okay, let's get you in your chair" Louis said walking to it.

"Nooo" Matty said wrapping his little arms on Louis's neck.

"Come on monkey, I won't be able to make you breakfast if you don't sit in your chair" Louis said trying to get his arms away from his neck.

Matty huffed but let Louis sit him down.

"Don't be grumpy" Louis said and tickled him a little until he giggled "That's better".

He grabbed the cheerios and put some in Matty's little cereal bowl, he poured plenty of milk and then he put the bowl in front of Matty.

"Thank papa" Matty said and picked up his little spoon and started eating away.

When Matty ate, his full attention was on his food, so as much as Louis tried to talk to him at breakfast, he didn't reply until he finished. So while Louis ate his own cereal, he just watched him, making sure he didn't make a mess, which rarely happened.

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