Episode 9: Psycho

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Episode 9: Psycho

Valentina kicked off her shoes and threw herself onto the couch with a deep sigh.

The routine had almost become a religion for her after a long day at work.

It took her awhile to work up the strength to get back up and when she had, her body found itself heading towards the bathroom.

She hummed the tune of a song which had been stuck in her head while shampooing her greasy hair after all the spray it had endured.

After finishing up, her hand wiped at the mirror which had created a fog due to the warm water. Her gorgeous brown eyes were revealed. She couldn't help but smile back at the sight of them because of how livelier they looked versus a couple days ago.

After calling it quits with Jason, she had been too busy to dwell on the lingering feelings of the past.

It hadn't been as bad as she had thought.

She had only cried once since then about the entire ordeal and it was during a video call in which she broke the news to her mother.

Thankfully, the ache in her heart had also slowly begun to fade with the more time went by.

Not wanting to be consumed by such thoughts, the woman threw on her favorite sleepwear and found herself on her phone to order a meal.

It wasn't that she didn't have the culinary skills to make a good dinner, it was just that she was too lazy to do so.

Also there was the fact that she had delayed going grocery shopping for so long that there was nothing but ramen and water in the place.

It didn't take long before she heard the doorbell ring.

Her finger paused over skimming a page of a Christopher Wells book.

The excitement she felt at having her food arrive was indicated by the timely growl on her stomach.

She was always ridiculously happy whenever it came to eating.

So much that her face would split into a big grin which nothing else could ever compete with inciting.

Valentina took the liberty of not checking the peephole before she swung the door open and when it did, the smile on her face slowly faded.

"It's been awhile, Valentina."

Her lips pursed at the sight of Jason.

He looked the same as the last time she had the displeasure of seeing him. His fair face holding a deceitful smile and eyes boring into her soul in an unflattering manner. The tips of his hair fell into his face and that was when she realized that maybe he wasn't so totally himself.

His hair was disheveled - so unlike the well-kept grooming it always had. The roots even seemed discoloured with a slight blond. Though he wore the usual designer suit, he didn't look like the usual eye candy.

If anything, he looked like a sour patch kid.

She folded her arms defensively as his eyes scanned her up and down.

"I've missed you."

The scoff left her mouth automatically.

"Sorry to break it to you, but I haven't missed you one bit."

He shook his head in denial.

"Stop lying. We both know that this little fight that we had was only temporary. There's no way you can break up with me. At least not that easily." He whispered the last bit underneath his breath but her sharp ears caught it.

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