"Okay, and you, Mr. Jones?"

"A burger and a chocolate milkshake would be enough, thanks guys" FP said, handing Veronica two twenty dollar bills.

"J- Cody, what do you want?" Veronica asked.

"Uh... I don't know. I'm not hungry actually"

"We will bring you your usual then!" The two waved before heading out. FP turned to Jughead.

"Where exactly is the Tipton hotel, for the navigation?" FP asked to which Jughead just typed in the address.

"Are we driving through or taking a pause in-between?" Archie asked, leaning forward to look at the route.

"I'll try to drive through"

"I could drive if you need a break" Archie offered "I have my drivers permit, and I usually drive my own car anyways"

"No offense, Archie, but I'm not entrusting you my car during the night. Maybe once it's day again, okay?"

"Great" Archie smiled, leaning back again. The three stayed quiet, the music from the radio filling the silence. Soon the girls returned, each one holding a bag and a cup tray, Veronica's holding four milkshakes and Betty's holding two soft drinks. They gave everything to Archie before sitting down in the backseat.

"Greetings from Pop" Betty said, reaching forward a cheeseburger, French fries and a chocolate milkshake. FP ate the burger in the parking lot while putting the other two items in the storage compartment between the armrests for now. Veronica meanwhile reached Jughead a strawberry milkshake, a hamburger and curly fries.

"There you go"

"Thanks... I guess" Jughead smiled unsurely, placing everything in his lap. Betty reached in her bag to give Archie his burger too before getting out the salad for herself. The next few minutes were filled by the car driving and someone on the radio talking about traffic jams.

Sadly that silence ended too soon.

"So, Cody, why are we going to this hotel?"

"I live there, didn't Archie tell you? My whole family is there — my mom, my twin brother and my girlfriend-"

"Girlfriend?!" Both girls yelled. Why was it so hard for everyone to understand that he had a girlfriend? Was he that ugly?

"Yes... my girlfriend. Her name is Bailey"

"So, a twin brother too?" Veronica asked, leaning forward. Jughead nodded, humming as he lifted up his milkshake to take a sip.

"Mhm. His name is Zack. He's a bit annoying and... not the smartest but he's always there for me, you know?" In order to eat the rest in silence (and have a break from those people), Jughead reached down for his backpack to grab his headphones. He plugged them into his phone before starting to play music.

Three hours later, they took their first break. The girls headed over to the toilets while Archie stayed behind to wait for Jughead to have his crutches.

"You don't need to wait for me" Jughead stated and Archie nodded.

"I know" Jughead paused.

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