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The music in the bar was loud

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The music in the bar was loud. I pulled at the short red dress that exposed too much skin and wondered, for the hundredth time, if this was a good idea. The last thing I wanted to be perceived as, was desperate.

I was unsteady on the black platform heels, that Chloe insisted I wear. I felt too exposed. I felt eyes travel along the length of my body and it made me shiver.

The barman took my order and my gaze dropped to the counter. Those pesky memories of Lucas haunted me. The tender touches, the sizling kisses and looks of pure adoration he used to send my way.

How did Chloe talk me into buying this dress?

Chloe was dangling the skimpy looking red fabric in front of my face

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Chloe was dangling the skimpy looking red fabric in front of my face. She wore a Cheshire car grin and waggled her eyebrows. "You have to wear this!"

"Okay, where is the rest of it?"

The dress in question, was a simple yet skin tight fit that seemed to stop just under your ass. The plunging neckline dropped far enough to make a hooker blush. The arms were completely exposed, with two very thin straps to keep the clothing on your body.

Not that the straps were needed. The dress looked tight enough to cut off your blood circulation. I'd need a crowbar just to get out of it.

"Oh, come on, Katelyn! Be a little daring," Chloe said winking.

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