Author's note

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Hey everyone!

I just wanted to say thank you to everyone that is reading this book, it means the world to me! I appreciate each and every one of you. I also wanted to say happy pride month! (I know I'm a little bit late, but better late than never) If you're interested I plan on making a book most likely starting on the 21st of this month where I will post a book and (try to) update it daily with a different short story everyday in honor of pride. It will consist of ten stories and I have a couple already but I would like to cover as many different types of people that are included in this community as I possibly can, so if you have a request of what you would like to read about I am all ears, just pm me! And be as specific as you want, the more details the better! 

A new chapter should be up soon for this book, I have most of it written but for some reason I struggled a bit on this chapter. Sorry it's been so long, be on the lookout for a new chapter soon!

Love you guys, Snow

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