Chapter 31

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The following weeks passed by quickly after having told Alex of the pregnancy. We decided to wait to tell everyone else until I am farther along in the pregnancy. Especially after having a miscarriage already.

Even though the previous miscarriage had nothing to do with my bodies ability to support the baby, I'd rather be safe than sorry.

Hiding it from the rest of the family has been rather tricky. It isn't the easiest thing to ride off when you stop drinking and are nauseas all the time.

Thankfully after the first two months the morning sickness subsided and I didn't have to worry so much about vomiting if people ate something specific that I was around.

I tried to pass of the none drinking to migraines and said that I didn't want to mix meds and alcohol. It seemed to do the trick for now.

A little pouch has formed on my stomach that is easy enough to hide by not wearing my normally form fitted outfits. I know that I won't be able to hide my bump much longer as I am nearing the second trimester.

So now I sit here in between Alex's legs while we go through a baby name book. Alex is running his calloused hands through my silky hair as we read through some of the names in the book.

"How about William?" I question as I look up and down the pages.

"No" Alec scoffs. "That sounds too English."

"Okay then you pick something." I respond rolling my eyes at his obnoxious reasoning.

"What about Emilia? Or Cillian?" He ponders.

"Cillian? So you don't like William, but you like a name that has your profession in the name?" I scowl.

Alex loudly laughs. "How about an Irish name for the first baby," he pauses while slowly stroking my hair. "And an Italian name for the second." I can hear the anxiousness in his words. 

I smile. "Oh really, and who made the decision that we are having more than one?" I turn around to him and raise my eyebrows.

"Well of course we are having more than one Layla, I want a big family with you." He says like it's the most obvious thing in the world.

"But who said I want more babies?" I question back. I realize that Alex and I have never really had this talk.

A frown appears on Alex's face as he appears deep in thought. "Well don't you?" I can hear the disappointment laced in his words.

I start to nervously play with my fingers in my hands as I feel bad that I even brought it up. "I don't know Alex. I never really thought too much on it before." I pause to collect my thoughts and take a breathe. "I mean maybe one or two more, but I'm sure we will both change our minds all the time about the subject." I say trying to be hopeful and make him feel better.

Alex puts his hand under my chin and lifts my head to meet his. Leaning forward he captures my lips with his and tenderly kisses me.

"I know princess. Let's just focus on the one for right now." He tilts his head to look for agreement.

I take my hand and trace the Ines of Alex's tattoo. "What is it for?" 

"Every don in our mafia has one. Always a little different, but always has a dagger and usually roses. I added the snake for my own liking," he admits.

"It suites you." I kiss the tattoo quickly and then focus my attention back on the book of names. 


"Okay?" Alex questions not knowing what I am talking about.

"Irish name first." I confirm.

A wide smile spreads across Alex's face as he open the book again and points to a name showing it to me.

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