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"i cant take itt" i cried , turning away from the tv screen .

"right" jeongguk agreed , silently tearing up .

we were watching a sad scene , in the movie a silent voice . it was one of the saddest parts , i literally couldn't take it .

jeongguk turned off the movie , and slightly stretched . getting out of my bed and walking towards his bag .

i dried my tears , laying down on the spot jeongguk was recently occupying .

"jimin , i have a snack for you . because soup is barely keeping you properly healthy ." jeongguk said pulling out some ice cream mochi .

"thank youu" i dragged out , sitting up in order for jeongguk to sit next to me .

once he sat down he opened up the mochi and placed one infront of my lips .

"say ahh" he said , poking my lips with the delicious treat . i opened my mouth , feeling the soft dough tough my tongue .

i took it all into my mouth , feeling as if it was too much .

i reopened my mouth , and raised my hand- gesturing for him to come closer .

once he was a few centimeters away i pushed the mochi half way out of my mouth , and got even closer to him , pressing the mochi onto his lips .

he quickly understood and placed his mouth onto the mochi biting off half of it .

while he bit it , our lips briefly touched . sending chills through my spine .

i felt electricity as our lips touched , though it was for a half a second .

once he pulled away he licked his lips , eating the mochi .

i did the same , then i laid back down on my side .

i felt my eyelids getting heavier , as it felt harder to stay awake . nowadays i usually got tired easily , causing me to lose motivation to do things . i just felt like laying down . though jeongguk forces me to do things .

"jiminn , you need to eat more . i am concerned for you min" jeongguk whined , crawling towards my side of the bed .

"i ate alot today , let me sleeeep .. you can spend the night" i said , turning over to look at him .

"you had half a bowl of soup , and half a mochi" he said with a frown , one of my weaknesses .

i whined at his face , turning back over- ignoring his pout .

"ggukie , come to bedd . im sleepy , tomorrow i will eat more" i mumbled , flipping onto my stomach ,.. shrinking into a ball .

"mm , okay" he spoke , laying down beside me .

i felt his arms wrap around my waist as he pulled me out of my ball , and into his chest .

i felt my face heat up , as i heard his heartbeat speed up . am i the cause .. ?

i was going to ask when i was cut off by a small yawn , i was so tired . i felt my eyes tear up afterwards , causing me to feel even more tired .

"cute" i heard jeongguk mutter , caressing my hair .

i moaned at the comforting feeling , drifting off to sleep .

before i completely fell asleep i mumbled , "ggukie , i hope i am the cause of your fast heartbeat .. just like you are mine"

and the answer made my heart flutter ,

"you are"



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