Investigations on Asclepius

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 Martin left the conference room, leaving the members of group one to continue with their investigation. Once he left, a slight silence occurred before someone finally broke it.

"So... when do you think this'll happen again?" Yuki asked, containing his own emotions in the process. 

He wasn't pissed at the fact that there happened to be a serial killer still evading the law, but at the fact that he couldn't do anything about it. This was something that he himself looked forward to doing with his father's killer. Yet he couldn't help but feel useless in this situation, like a tool that just sat within a toolbox. He wanted to do more, he just really didn't know how.

"Why would you say that?!" Olivia shouted. She easily becomes infuriated by Yuki's question.

"I'm sorry but we have nothing that shows us who did this... and the only new thing we got was a victim and a pendant that symbolizes the god of healing... this isn't enough to find the guy... if we want to stop this guy, we have to push ourselves to do more than this!" Yuki shouted. He finally lost his cool, he couldn't keep it locked inside the chest forever.

"He has a point..." Alex softly added. His monotone voice displayed little care for the fact that a new victim showed, just agreeing with the obvious.

"Maybe I could find out who it is by searching through Aiko's last week of life..." Vivian added.

"Yeah, and we still need to do research on Asclepius too. We can probably check the local library for the books we need for him. Maybe books that were taken out that have anything to do with Asclepius too, there could possibly be a clue there." Kaiso said.

"But aren't these clues more than enough?" Olivia asked.

"It's a lot more than the first victim. This guy is going to keep killing innocent people until he's caught. How long will that take? Someone just lost their mother, their wife, and we can't even promise that family that we'll find them justice..." Yuki said. He displayed much more emotion than he usually does as if this investigation felt personal to him.

"Well isn't it best if we just do what we can with what we have rather than beating ourselves up on what we can't control?" Olivia replied.

"I guess you're right—but this still pisses me off—" Yuki clenches his fist in anger as he pauses, then continues, "—people like this piss me off the most. People who think they can take away an innocent person's life like this. This, this is what I joined this program for. To stop criminals like this—" Yuki then took a deep pause withholding the gates from fully bursting, then finished, "—let's go, Kaso." insisting that the both of them head off to the library.

Kaso didn't question Yuki and immediately departed with him. How could one reject someone who just poured their heart out like that? The two eventually made it to the closest library to the motel. It is the most famous library in Kashitama and the size was grand. It looked similar to a small sports stadium or a stadium made for entertainment venues. Arches bent over the entrance and the doors were a glass that blended in well with the rest that engulfed the face of this beautiful library. The inside was nothing less than what appeared to them prior, the ceilings had fluorescent chandeliers that echoed the very elegant feel throughout the building. The floors were similar to the flooring within the IJA headquarters but with a touch of honey rather than a bureaucratic marble. The two approached a librarian sitting behind a desk. It was assumed that was a desk made for the directory of the library.

"Um... ma'am..." Kaso said under his breath.

The woman doesn't hear him or ignores him completely, they couldn't really tell the difference. Yuki acts much more brash compared to Kaso by slamming a tin bell placed on the desk and asking a more direct question, "Ma'am, where is the religion section?"

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