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-"Hey riot" "uh hi" -

"You never gave me an answer about" legend said to me. Mr.roberts started coughing loudly to try and get me and legends attention. Kids in the class started giggling. Alex then reached for my hand and held it tight. I guess he could see me tense up or maybe I was turning red. before I knew it second period was over. My classes flow by fast . I walked to lunch alone after forth period today went by fast. I still had there periods to go but almost over. looked around for Alex but I couldn't find him. Then legend walked up to me "hallo riot" "hey" I hugged him he hugged back "have you seen Alex?" i asked. "yeah I saw him go with Stacie to the gym" Stacie was the school whore like she has actually fucked every guy in the school at least once. "can you come with me?" he said "sure" so we walked to the gym together talking a bout random stuff that came to mind I learned that he really likes batman I love batman so that's another thing we have in common. we walked in to the gym and I saw Stacie sitting on Alex's lap and he pushed her off as soon as I walked in I acted like I didn't see it and I notice he was staring at me nervously like he was doing something wrong. legend leaned over and whispered in my ear "lets mess with Alex" he got in front of me and took my bag and put it on his shoulder then grabbed me and pulled me close holding me by my waist. he laid his cheek against mine and whispered to me are "okay with me picking you up and touching your butt?" I whispered back "yeah it's fine" and I smiled flirty like to make it seem like it was something else we were talking about and giggled. I wrapped my arms around his neck and he places his hands on my butt and got really close to me "you ready" he said really quiet I smiled. he then picked me up I wrapped my legs around his waist and nuzzled my face in his shoulder. he push me up so I wouldn't slip. he then spun me around in circles and I laughed. I looked up at Alex an waved legend did the same. Alex could barely smile I started to feel bad I looked down at legend and he looked at me "I'm starting to feel bad" I said " I have an Idea" he said "which is?" "let's go up there and say hi" "uh okay" he was still holding me as we walked up the bleachers. we sat down next to him as soon as we sat down he grabbed my hand, then Stacie grabbed his as soon as she noticed he was holding my hand he pulled away from her. she looked at me pissed "whore " she said to me I shrugged it wasn't something I haven't heard before. Alex looked at her " sorry Alex but she's a whore you need me not her and plus she already has someone" she said. "actually she's helping me make a girl jealous and she was looking for her boyfriend Alex" legend said I smiled at him. Alex then pulled me in his lap and kissed me. "I'm sorry Stacie but in reality you are a whore you've had sex with almost ever guy in the school......" I said to her I knew I shouldn't had said any thing then she hit me. I could take a hit I was punched all the time by a adult male. I wiped my lip because some spit came out when she hit me. I stood up and punched her she fell out of her seat and her mouth was bleeding. everyone was staring at me so I garbed my bag and ran out the gym doors and left the school.

The only oneحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن