TXT ft. Seventeen(Edited)

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Caregiver(s): Yeonjun, Taehyun
Little(s): Soobin, Beomgyu, Kai
Plot: Play date with Seventeen's littles Woozi, Seungkwan, Minghao, and Dino

~Yeonjun's P.O.V~
I was sleeping so nicely in my bed that's so comfortable and soft until I was woken up by one of the littles

Soobin: Daddy!

Soobin: Daddy~

Soobin: Dad-

Soobin: -dy!!!!

Yeonjun: I'm up jeez please don't ever yell in my ear

Soobin: Up we have play date today!!

Yeonjun: Oh yeah I forgot. Umm go wake up Taehyun and tell him to wake up the other littles. I'll start cleaning up

Soobin: Otay

*Time Skip cuz I ain't in a mood*

*Knock knock*

Yeonjun: Taehyun can you get the door?

Taehyun: Yeah, come on Gyu come with me

Beomgyu: Ok!

I finished preparing snacks for the littles and us caregivers as Taehyun and Beomgyu went to open the door. Once they open they see Woozi, Seungkwan, Minghao, and Dino along with their caregivers Soonyoung, Vernon, Junhui, and the JeongCheol couple. Taehyun let's them in and Beomgyu grabs Woozi's hand and Seungkwan's hand to lead them to the living room followed by the other littles.

Yeonjun walks out of the kitchen holding Soobin on his hips.

Yeonjun: Hello Hyungs!!

Jeonghan: Hey Yeonjun and little Soobin

Upon seeing one of his favorite uncles Soobin makes grabby hands towards Jeonghan asking to be carried by him. Jeonghan takes Soobin and walks to the living room.

The other caregivers head to the kitchen

~ Kai's P.O.V ~
Kai: Hoonie, Kwanie, Hao, Chanie, Bimie, Gyu let's watch a movie!!

All the littles quickly agreed and Kai handed the TV remote to Jeonghan asking him to put a movie. While Jeonghan outs the movie Beomgyu and Soobin run to their room to get blankets and plushies for the other littles. Woozi and Kai go to the kitchen to ask for snacks

Kai: Daddy!

Taehyun: Yes bubs?

Woozi: We wan snacks

Kai: Uncle Hanie play ouw movie fow us?

Yeonjun grabs some cookies and fills some sippy cups with milk for all the littles. Seungcheol and Soonyoung help Yeonjun take the snacks and drinks to the littles.

Kai: Daddies watch too?

Yeonjun: Sure bubs

And like that all caregivers and littles cuddled one another and spent the day watching movies and eating snacks together. The Seventeen littles didn't want to leave the TXT littles so Jeonghan and Seungcheol went to their dorms to pack some clothes for the littles and have a sleepover. Just like that both parties (littles and caregivers) enjoyed each other's presence and company.

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