We both know that I may have improved, but I'm no where close to beating him like he wanted. Just another reason why I should keep training.

How else am I supposed to fill his expectations?

"Just-" I sigh walking towards him. "Just let me through and I'll be done in a little, promise." Looking up to him I turn my steps to go around him. He doesn't make a move to get me, hopefully he's complying.

Though right at last second I hear him shift his steps and then he's in front of me. It only happens in a second which gives me no time to react.

He bends down only to wrap his arms around the back of my thighs. I yelp when he throws me over his shoulder, my body colliding with his back. One of his arms holds me stable as he starts walking towards the exit.

"Greyson," I groan as I sway back and forth.

"I know you. You would probably stay here until sunrise if you had your way. Broken hand and all." I grumble, but I don't say anything because I know he's right. I would've viewed my hand just as a temporary set back and would keep going worsening it. "Let's rest, and then we can continue later."

He turns off the lights in the building before pushing open the double doors.

Before he continues his steps he looks back and forth searching the air for any foreign scents. Only then does he continue when there's nothing.

"You can put me down now."

He scoffs as he weaves around the trees making his way back to the house. "You're fine up there. Plus it's quite amusing carrying you like this."  I jump when he suddenly slaps my ass. He laughs with joy which only makes me grumble under my breath.

Waking up in the morning I rub my eyes, stretching. Telling by the newly risen sun, it's quite early.

It doesn't take much to sneak out of the bed so Grey doesn't wake. He wasn't all over me this morning like he usually is, he purely had an arm wrapped around my middle which was easy to maneuver out of.

After going into the bathroom, I then travel to the closet changing into my training clothes. Might as well go out with Seb and Koda to get an early start.

Also I don't want to get a scolding from Grey in the process of traveling to the gym. So if he's still asleep then I don't have to worry about that.

Sighing I walk out of the closet, closing my eyes as I pull up my hair. I cringe when my finger snags in my hair, opening my eyes in pain just in time to see a large figure.

Then I collide right into it.

I groan when my shoulders are caught, "Well good morning to you too."

Looking up, Grey smirks at me as his hand loosely grabs at the material above my waist. He's like a little bug I swear.

"I'm going to go, but I'll see you later," I rush out before going on my toes to peck a kiss in his neck looking to leave.

Though his grip on my shirt only tightens before yanking me back. "Ah ah," he scolds quietly. Taking a deep breath I look up to him as he steadies me in front of him. "Today, you're going to be with Mom."

"Greyson I got all the witchy woo down. Physically is where I'm lacking."

Snickering he turns me around, guiding me by the shoulders to the door. "There's more things to learn, and to get better at. You don't want to keep passing out after healing someone, right?"

"Well that can't be controlled."

"Yes it can, and that's why you're going."

Turning my head back in question he just raises his eyebrows teasingly before opening the door.

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