When you're sad

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-Distracts you from it
-Tries singing to you
-Which made you smile
-Listens to you
-You let out all your
feelings to him
-Showers you with kisses
to cheer you up

-Cooks for you
-Will hug you
-ends up being sad with you
-But wants to cheer you up
-Will stay with you till you
feel better

-When you're sad it makes
him sad
-Doesn't like seeing you sad
-Kisses you
-did I mention cuddles?
-Gives you all his affection

-Distracts you from it
-it works
-Will beat up the fucker who made
you sad
-Lets you ride on him
-Piggyback ride ofc
-What else were you thinking?

-Doesn't really know what to do
but tries to cheer you up every way possible
-makes you tea
-Gives forehead kisses
-a lot

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