✕ eleven ✕

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A/N: writer's block sucks so much


Calum and Taylor were blissfully actual unaware of my plans when I slipped out of the house the next day. It had been two days since I decided I had to confront Jake, and I had a plan formed out in my head.

I asked him to meet me at a nearby cafe. I knew that place was pretty busy, so he wouldn't be able to really do anything physical to me. With that aside, I was planning on talking to him and asking him to back off. I didn't really know how I was going to approach the subject, but I figured I'd just wing it.

I shoved my hands in my pockets as I walked down the sidewalk, trying to think of possible things to say to Jake. Admittedly this was all probably the stupidest idea I had ever had, but he had ruined too much for me. I needed to stop him before things got too out of hand.

I entered the cafe to find him already waiting, at a booth near the back. Taking a deep breath, I approached him, sliding in across from him.

"Lukey! So nice to see you," he grinned, but I could see the malice in his eyes. "How are you?"

"I'd be better if I could just trust my friends without having to worry about you manipulating them."

"Manipulating is a strong word, Luke... I'm simply trying to help you."

I scoffed, shaking my head. "No, you're not. You're making my life miserable and frankly I'm sick of it."

"Luke," he sighed, before looking at me with wide eyes. "I'm sorry. I care a lot for you, and I know you have suffered as well due to my actions."

I frowned. What the fuck was he trying to do, giving me those puppy dog eyes and spewing out some emotional bullshit? "Yeah, I have suffered, but I'm done with it."

"I can help you!" he exclaimed. "We've had some good times together Lukey!"

I rolled my eyes, leaning back in my seat, and crossed my arms.

"Don't be like that," he basically pleaded, each word dripping falsehood. "It hurts."

"You know what actually hurts?" I snapped, glaring at him. "Not knowing who I can trust because of you. All I want is some fucking peace of mind, but instead what do I get? Paranoia. Paranoia that there's someone watching me from behind my shoulder. Paranoia that I can't trust any of my friends. This is no fucking way to live, Jake. I swear to god, if you don't stop I will get a restraining order on you."

Jake just smirked. "That won't keep me away. Luke, I love you. You deserve someone like me, someone better than... What's his name? Caleb? Calvin? Whatever."

"It's Calum," I answered through gritted teeth, slamming my fist down on the table. "And don't you dare say you're better than him. You're nothing compared to him. You're not even worthy of being a speck of dust."

Jake just shook his head, laughing. "Luke, oh Lukey. So innocent. I hate to be the one to tell you this, but he's going to break your heart, probably very soon. He's going to find someone else and leave you. But I'd never do that. I'll always be here, waiting. All you need to do is say the word."

"No, fuck off," Luke spat, standing up. "I've had enough of this. You're a fucker and I don't want you coming near any of my friends, do you hear me?"

"Sure," he shrugged, standing up as well. He was pretty much blocking my way to the exit, and I mentally cursed myself for being too cowardly to punch him. Where was Taylor when you needed her?! "I'll stay away from them."

"What?" I frowned, crossing my arms again.

"I said I'd stay away from them," he repeated casually, before taking a step towards me.

I took a step back when he just kept moving forward, soon hitting the back wall of the cafe. We were right in a corner behind the booth, and pretty much nobody could see us unless they peeked around the side.

"I'll stay away from them," he repeated again, smirking evilly. I could feel his breath brush against my face and I desperately tried to turn away, but to no avail. "I just can't guarantee I'll stay away from you."

And with that, he smashed his lips against mine.

It was slimy and messy, and I was struggling against him. I didn't want this. This wasn't why I was here.

I pressed my hands against his chest and shoved him backwards with everything I had in me. He stumbled backwards, a stunned expression on his face, and I managed to push past him and run out of the cafe.

I kept running, constantly checking over my shoulder to see if he was following me. Finally, when I decided I was far enough (and when I couldn't breathe anymore), I slowed my pace. I wiped at my mouth for the millionth time today, trying to get rid of the feel of his lips and tongue pressing against mine (jeez, this boy had no class). I just wanted to be home and cuddling with Calum.

"You idiot," I grumbled to myself, tugging at my hair and kicking a stray rock. I grumbled some more before continuing my journey with my shoulders slouched and hands deep in my pockets, only ever emerging to wipe my mouth.

When I got back home, Calum was on the couch, playing video games shirtless (as per usual). I felt a pang in my heart, thinking about what happened today. Could I tell him? How would he react?

Biting my lip, I kicked off my shoes and sat down beside him.

"Luke!" He grinned, kissing my cheek quickly. "How was it?"

I had told him I had gone to hang out with an old friend that I hadn't seen in a while, which made my heart clench even more. I couldn't possibly tell him I lied to him. I didn't want to mess up things between us right now.

"It was fun," I nodded. I sat with him for a few minutes before getting up and heading to my room.

But just as I was about to step in, Taylor opened the door, looking at her phone and almost colliding with me.

"Ah, Luke," she raised her eyebrows, unsmiling. "I was about to come see you, actually. Care to explain?"

She handed me her phone, and I groaned when I saw the text message, pinching the bridge of my nose. Of course he'd do something like that.


A/N: Luke's an idiot

Jake is actually heavily based on people I know, so PSA time: if anyone is being overly obsessive, possessive, or a full-on stalker, put your foot down. It's not healthy and it's not safe.

I love you all and I hope you have wonderful holidays xx

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