Im In Trouble: Kris Chaimongkhon

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Slot: I'm In Trouble

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Slot: I'm In Trouble

Love Interest: As You Wish

Name: Kris Chaimongkhon

Nicknames: Charmer, KC, Mad Dog

Age+DoB: January 25, 1998

Gender: Male

Personality: Kris is a very hard working person. When you first meet him, he's aloof, sharp tongued, blunt, and seems unapproachable since he isn't good at expressing his feelings. He can also come off as a delinquent that always gets in trouble. Kris is also charming in a way and is able to talk himself or others out of any situation. He won't start trusting or opening up to anyone unless he gets to know them and open up first. Despite having a bad bky persona, Kris is actually kind, selfless, compassionate, protective, loyal, intelligent, observant, stoic, and caring.

Background: Kris was born into a middle class family to a Thai couple. Growing up, Kris had focused on martial arts and his studies. He was also a loving brother and would always take care of his younger siblings. When Kris was 15 a drunk driver hit his parents car which led to both his parents passing away. He was devastated but made sure to take on the role as the breadwinner of his remaining family. Kris would then start to quit all extracurricular activities and start to work at the fight club and many other part time jobs in order to make enough money to put food on the table.

- Likes: Cooking, martial art, listening to music, working out, and making people smile
- Dislikes: Losing, making people cry, being underestimated, artificially grape flavored food/drinks, and people bothering the people he cares about
- Family:
+ Ngoen Chaimongkhon | Father | Deceased | Math Teacher | 10/10
+ Chariya Chaimongkhon | Mother | Deceased | Accountant | 10/10
+ Narong Chaimongkhon | Grandfather | 68 | Retired | 10/10
+ Thahan Chaimongkhon (Roen) | Brother | 15 | High School student | 10/10
+ Aran Chaimongkhon (Eren) | Brother | 12 | Middle School Student | 10/10
+ Lawan Chaimongkhon (Eilene) | Sister | 12 | Middle School Student | 10/10
+ Charong Chaimongkhon (Toby) | Brother | 9 | Elementary School Student | 10/10
+ Faying Chaimongkhon (Joy) | Sister | 7 | High School Student | 10/10
- Hobbies: Cooking, doing housework, watching action movies, playing sports, and reading
- Habits: spacing out when he's tired, clenching his right fists when he's mad, and spinning a pen/pencil when he's bored
- Did Muy Thai since he was 6 and hasn't stopped training
- Used to learn hand to hand combat
- He works for a lot od other part time jobs besides the fight club and will usually make his siblings dinner after a shift and leave when he's done cooking to go to his other part time job
- Doesn't fight unless he needs to since he thinks that it'll be a waste of time
- Is majoring in Mathematics and plans to become a math teacher or mathematician in the future
- Is one of the best in his class and either studies or trains when he has free time
- Always wears the necklace that his father gave him before he died

Anything Y'all Wanna See in The Story:
- Kris getting overprotective over AYW when a guy is trying to hit on her
- Kris finding his brother, Thahan, at the fight club wanting to join the fight club which makes Kris mad since he doesn't want him to get hurt

Clothing Style: Casual and minimalist

Faceclaim: Lapat Ngamchaweng


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