Its time

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A/N~ Hai guise i am so sorry for the late ass update but this is the second to last chapter which means ima make this one a bit long. After i finish this one I am going to be staring a new book with my bestfriend, its a fanfiction and its gonna be based off a dream I had and i think it'll be pretty neat!

~Kat's POV~

I opened my eyes and looked around adjusting to the surroundings. Where the hell am I?! 

"Morning beautiful!" Cornelius coos as his head pops out the door. I smile and wave.

"Did you sleep well?"

"Yea. I had a dream tho...It was about my enemies." 

"Oh. Well dont worry. We already know where Lucifer is heading." He replied sternly.

"Really...Wait where is Dianna and Harry?" I asked looking around.

"Harry took Dianna home and he went off looking for Lucifer."

"Okay. All by himself? I better go with him. I dont want him getting hurt!" I said jumping out of bed. He just watched me walk out then soon followed behind.

"I am coming too." I rolled my eyes and kept walking. I went through the backdoor as to not run into the girls or they'd hold me back. I tried to see where Harry was but i couldn't so i called him. After a few rings he picked up,

"Yes Kat?"

"Where are you? Are you near Lucifer?"

"QUIET! I am actually. Its Lake blood... remember!"

"Oh yes! Okay im on my way, do you see him?"

"No but I can smell him. He stinks. He should take a bath, in hell cause thats where he is going." I laughed and hung up the phone. I ran to where he said to go and just like he said he was standing behind a boulder overlooking Lake blood. 

"Hey. You made it. The scent is stronger. He is really close."

"I smell it too." I said before feeling something smack against my head. Everything went dark and all i saw was a figure standing above me with a crowbar.


"Wake up. KATHERINE. WAKE UP!" Harry's voice called. My eyes opened wide and I was tied to a tree.

"Harry! HARRY!" I yelled out franitcally not being able to see him.

"I am on the other side of the tree. Shh he is coming!" He responded. As if on cue, Lucfer came strolling in with a spellbook in one hand and the spearhead ark pearl in the other. 

"My dear, it's time for your reign to end. Hope you enjoyed your time. Crimson! Sandra! Come quick you will help me perform the spell." I started lightly sobbing. What was I going to do. I was going to die in a few seconds and I havent even fufilled my life to the fullest or said goodbye to Dianna...Oh poor Dianna. No I must stay alive. If not for me then for her!

"Crimson untie her and bring her here. Don't let her escape." he demanded. She nodded and walked over to me untying me. I let her bring me to the middle where Lucifer was standing. I looked around with my eyes and I saw two figures. I looked again and it was Cornelius and Niall. They were going to untie Harry! Maybe I wont die afterall! 

Lucifer grabbed my face and took a knife and plunged it into my shoulder. I screamed in pain,

"If we gonna kill you, I wanna make it fun." He laughed taking out the knife just to stab me again this time near my heart. I screamed again and this time I bit into his cheek and tore off some skin. He groaned in pain and slapped me,

"Ungrateful bitch, don't you ever try something again!"

"OR WHAT? YOUR ALREADY GONNA FUCKING KILL ME!!" I spat out. He chuckled and wiped the blood off his face. I left a gaping hole in his cheek, enough to see his teeth. It was gruesome.

"Sandra. Hurry it up. I have places to be." He said impatiently.

"I need her blood to begin." She stated blantly. Crimson grabbed my hand and made a slash through it. I bit my lip and closed my eyes as she pressed, letting the blood seep into Sandra's bowl. She let it go and giggled at my pain. 

"Okay we may begin now.." Come on guys where are you!


Lmao I kid. The next chapter is the end!! Its been a lovely time with you guys . ILYYYYYY




~QueenMariana XOXOXOX

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