Part 5!!!!!!!

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I couldn't handle the stress anymore... between morning sickness and then having to go to school and face the firing squad of rude girls throwing horrible comments and names at me and the boys all saying im easy and a slut.  I had to quit school. I told my parents this and they sat down with Justin's parents and set us both up accounts for online school, which we would be doing together during the day.  I do have to say Justin has been a great boyfriend through all of this. Not once has he tried to leave me. He has held my hair when i was puking my guts out and goes to get me stuff when i have terrible cravings. He has even helped me pick names and colors for the nursery. It will be Claire ella for a girl and Andrew Robert for a boy. We have decided that i will move in with Justin and his family so we can both share the responsibility of the baby together and so not just one of us is stuck getting up in the night to feed the baby. Now im just ready for the baby to be here and im only 5 months along! I have 4 months left to go and they are going by to slow.

*Sorry guys i have totally forgotten about this story so it has been a long time but i will start writing more :)

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