You can reclaim your crown

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"Did you talk to Jungkook yet?"

Taehyung shook his head, circling his arms around his knees as he rested his chin on top of them. He was sat on the couch he had slept on a few weeks back, Leedo sitting on the other side of the table that was stood between them, holding two mugs of steaming tea and a bowl of biscuits.

"Are you planning to?"

The omega kept silent and merely shrugged.

"Taehyung", Leedo spoke again, his voice stern this time. The blond boy glanced up through his lashes, nervously nibbling on his bottom lip as he stared at his friend. The alpha sighed, "Talk to me Taehyung".

"About what?", he responded but he perfectly knew what the other wanted to hear and he sighed deeply when the other sent him an unamused stare, "Yes, I am planning to talk to Jungkook. I just don't know when or how it would happen".

The other quirked an eyebrow, "Has he reached out to you yet?

"I don't know. My phone died after the party and I haven't bothered recharging it", Taehyung replied with honesty. He hadn't touched his phone ever since coming home through the storm and crawling into the corner of his room.

It was probably a dumb thing to do because of course, people would try to reach him. His friends had all seen the fight and hadn't been able to speak with him after it because Taehyung had rushed home through the rain. And Jungkook- Taehyung wasn't sure if the alpha would have tried messaging him or if he was as silent as Taehyung was being.

"You're scared", Leedo realized and it made the other frown.


"You're scared to open your messages because you're scared you won't see any from him", his friend continued, "But you're also scared that there will be messages from him but they won't be good".

"I'm scared of confrontation, yes Leedo, I know that", Taehyung huffed, sending the other a glare, "Are you my therapist now?"

"No, I'm your friend and concerned for your wellbeing", the boy responded calmly, "The others have all been trying to contact you after that night, me included".

Leedo had shown up at his door that morning, finding Taehyung holed up in his room, skipping his first class on Monday. The boy had dragged Taehyung out of his room, knowing that staying surrounded by the same four walls wasn't good for the omega.

"When will you confront him? When will you let him confront this?", the alpha continued.

Taehyung glanced to the side, watching Leedo's Garfield clock – he had won it at a fair once - tick on, "Soon, alright? I don't know when I'll be ready to face him".

It was quiet for a minute. Taehyung merely watched the time tick by, stubbornly refusing to look the other in the eye. Leedo reached for his mug filled with raspberry tea before slowly sipping from it. He hummed for a second and then said, "How about today?"

This effectively made Taehyung snap his gaze from the ridiculous clock to his friend, "What?"

"How about now?", Leedo repeated calmly, stirring the tea to make it cool down. He reached forward to grab a cube of sugar and then plopped it into the water. Taehyung frowned, "What are you saying Leedo?"

The alpha stirred his tea again, this time looking the other in the eye, "Jungkook- might be on his way here".

Taehyung's complexion turned a sickly white. "What?", he croaked out, "How-"

"We exchanged numbers that night at the party before the- fight happened. He told me it'd be best if he had one of your friends' numbers incase something ever happened to you or your phone", the alpha explained, "Since you weren't answering the messages he's been sending nor the calls he's been trying to make, he texted me, asking me what he was supposed to do".

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