Bill turned to see two men talking.

"You?" Bill barked.

He walked toward the men, one of which was the first spirit he had encountered.

He stood near the man.

"What the fuck have you gotten me into? Where am I? What am I doing here?"

"He cannot hear you, young Bill."

Bill walked back to the other spirit.

"Are you going to tell me what the fuck is going on? I am beginning to freak out, just a little bit, here."

The spirit smiled.

"I don't quite understand the phrases you are speaking, young Bill, but I have to assume that you are a slight bit confused and perhaps a little uneasy about your current situation."

"That would be putting it mildly," Bill snapped back at him.

"I am not complaining, but unlike you, I am not used to be dragged from my home and end up on some old sailing ship, God knows where, with a whole bunch of people and spirits that I do not know. 

Yea, you could say I am a little uneasy.

Truth is, I am a whole lot fucking uneasy," Bill yelled.

"And I would really like a few answers."

"I believe that is only fair," the spirit agreed.

"That is mighty accommodating of you," Bill snapped back, sarcastically.

"As I informed you earlier, young Bill, you are on the Emily Rose. A merchant ship commissioned by the Elder of Tuckamore County, Issac Matthew Dove, that gentleman over there by the railing."

"He was the spirit that woke me," Bill informed the other spirit.

"Indeed he was," the spirit continued, "and right now he is questioning the so-called Captain, a scoundrel named Webster, who took control of the Emily Rose by unscrupulous measures."

Bill continued to stare at the spirit named Issac Dove.

"Dove? Tuckamore County?"

It was as though a hundred lights came on in his head at once.

"Is he the founder of Tuckamore Bay?"

The spirit nodded.

"Indeed he is. Issac Dove is the founder of Tuckamore Bay."

"But you said this boat was bound for Boston?"

"Indeed it was, young Bill, but by a series of fateful events, the course of the Emily Rose was quickly changed. That unscrupulous Webster chap had other plans for Issac Dove and the families of Tuckamore Bay.

It seems that Webster found out about the gold and valuables that the residents of Tuckamore County had brought aboard the Rose and he was determined to have those riches for himself and his crew. And the only way that would be possible would be to relieve the ship of the residents of Tuckamore County."

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