..You're okay..

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He was worried...

He was... terrified....

Terrified of the possibility that he had lost someone.. someone young, young and dear to him...

He had the right to snap at his cadets..

And he already knew how his mental breaks would end up in...


How could you forget...grayson..?

How could you show fear..?


A small voice in his head would speak, catching the gra dmaster off guard. He continued watching the unicorn, though his gaze seemed to be unfocused. In thought..


You..know him...
Better than anyone else...


Why were you afraid..?


The grandmasters amber eyes would flare slightly in realisation. He h a s known Ubercorn since he was a child, he knew him better than anyone else in the academy could. There was n o reason for him to be afraid..

Because even if the other would have hurt someone with an outburst

Even if he'd done something wrong..

He was still like everyone else..

He wasnt human...

But he was still a living being, with emotions like them..


Ubercorn had the right to he angry.. he had the right to have snapped like that.

Without any more hesitation, the grandmaster swallowed a lump in his throat and took a step forward. The kid still in his arms.

The unicorn winced, his eyes widening as he hears the grandmaster coming closer. He looked up with his darkened, dulled eyes.

The grandmasters eyes widen at the sight of them, before they narrowed and he took another step towards the mentor who was down on his knees, holding three of the four injured cadets..

The grandmaster continued to slowly make his way towards the other. Then he slowly lowered himself. The unicorn flinched back as he prepared himself to get hit, to get hurt. As he deserved it for hurting his own.

" im..s..so.. sorry.. "

He'd whisper again, closing his eyes as he braced himself.

The grandmaster lowered himself, now down to his knees as he slowly put the kid down in a comfortable position, on his lap, with one arm still supporting the kid. The grandmaster raised his free hand.

The unicorn shrunk back slightly as he braced himself..

But then

GJ, Academy Origins; Tales of a Dynamic DuoKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat