Chapter 2: Rules and Tour

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"I'm sorry that I was late. I'm Ms. Aquila. I'm the vice principal and I'm to go over rules and explain a few things. I'm also here to do the tour." A woman with long blonde hair and big brown eyes said. She walked slowly to the middle of the living space. She folded her hands neatly in front of her where they were resting on the folds of her dress.

"Please, take a seat." She waved her hand to jester for everyone to sit down. Everyone scattered and tried to find a seat on the couch. Around six angels were able to claim a seat. The other three sat on the floor.

"You may have noticed already but there are only nine of you here right now. As you can see there is no demons. That is because we decided that it will be for the best if we don't have them be in the middle for another two days. We are still waiting for a shipment to arrive in the mail. So we have decided to cancel classes for the next two days. Enjoy it while you can, and use your time wisely." Ms. Aquila paced around the room slowly as she talked. Her hands never leaving the folds in her dress.

"Now onto the rules. As you saw our building is split into two one side for out of school and the other for in school. During school hours you stay on the right side. Out of school hours unless you have detention or training-"

"Did you say training." Leo interrupted her. Ms. Auila stopped pacing and looked at Leo straight in the eyes.

"Yes, now if anyone else wants to interrupt you can speak to Mrs. Astro." She continued to pace around the room.

"So unless you have detention or training, you will stay on the left side of the building. Now stand up and follow me. We are starting with the right side of the building and we are going to end with the dorm rooms." She walked sloly down to the right side of the building. The 9 of them walked behind her. Sagittarius was getting a little impatient, but kept quiet as they slowly walked from room to room. Ms. Aquila explained everything about anything. Making the teens bored out of their minds.

"This is the end of the first floor. Stop looking bored we still have four more floors and the other half of the building. We will make a pit stop on the third floor because Mrs. Astro suggested it." Ms. Aquila started to walk up the stairs. The girls groaned because of how many stairs there were and the fact that they were all wearing heels. Gemini and Libra took of their shoes and walked up the stairs in their socks. Door after door, it was an endless cycle of school rooms. Aries backpack was getting heavy and he was regretting keeping it with him, instead of leaving with the others.

"The next floor was designed for stretching your wing and is the floor that you can use during school hours and out of school hours. Also, Mrs. Astro had given me instructiona to let you have a 'free hour'. So when we get up there you are aloud to do as you please just come back in an hour." They walked the steps to the  third floor. Once they reached the floor, all the teens were in aw. The room mimicked a grassy field with a lovely blue sky. Aries was the first in the air flipping his navy blue wings through the air. Not long after all the teens were in the air enjoying their free time.

Leo and Gemini were playing tag like children, and Libra was flirting with Ophiuchus even after Libra shook off the idea of dating her. Aries and Sagittarius were racing each other from across the room. The three earth signs just flew around and talked amongst themselves. The hour went up pretty fast and the tour had to continue.

After, about a 5 hour tour. They reached the dorm rooms.

"Now each of you will have a roommate. Not because we don't have the space but because we can't trust the demons. So in dorm number one we have Aries and Sagittarius. Dorm two we Leo and Libra. Dorm three Virgo and Cancer. Dorm four Capricorn, Taurus, and Gemini. Dorm five Scorpio and Pisces. Lastly, Dorm six, Ophiuchus and Aquarius. Again, this is not because we don't have the room, we can watch the demons better." Ms. Aquila said and everyone broke off to their own room. Everyroom had two beds except for the room with three. Some had bunk beds while others had separate beds each about the same size. After, about an hour everyone was done getting settled in and dinner was ready. 


Hope you guys liked. Don't be afraid to comment.

Word count - 825

~<3 CareBare(^.^)

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