Girl Meets Tell-Tale-Tot

Start from the beginning

"All very exciting, I'm sure. But Riley, Kayden, and I have our own educations to which to attend... to which." Maya explained, taking our hand and we walked towards the door. "This is so great and my buddy who goes there invited me to his dorm tonight to meet some college friends if I got in." Uncle Josh explained to mom and dad and we stopped. "Oh, are we stopping?" I asked with a smirk. "Nope, we're doing something else." Maya told us. We walked over to the couch. "When is this little party? Yeah, whatever. Hi, I don't care." Maya asked as we walked towards the hallway. "Uh. Ten o'clock tonight." Uncle Josh replied. We stopped in front of the entrance to the hallway. "Where's this little party? Yeah, whatever. Hi, I don't care." Maya asked. "Greenwich Hall." Uncle Josh answered and Maya smiled. "Are we smiling? I'll smile. I'll smile anytime. What are we smiling about?" Riley asked. "Bay window. Bay window right now." Maya said and we ran towards Riley's room.

"Can I sleepover at your house tonight?" Maya asked us. "Yay." Riley said. "But not really." She said. "Oh." Riley said, disappointed. "I'm going to that party and Kayden's coming with me." Maya told us. "Ooh, you're going to sneak out? But he said it could go till ten o'clock." Riley said. "No, it starts at ten." Maya told her, moving towards the bay window and I followed. "It starts at ten? Who's ever heard of such a thing?" Riley questioned in disbelief. Maya and I sit at the bay window. "That bothers you, huh?" I asked her. "It starts at ten!" Riley exclaimed, joining us at the bay window. "There are going to be college girls there and they're pretty, and they're smart, and they're witches." Maya explained. "I don't like witches." Riley said.

"We can't let Uncle Josh fall under their spell. Riley. I'm sneaking out with Kayden." Maya told her. "You will be grounded forever, and I will lose my best friend and brother. Don't do this." Riley told us. "Riley, If I don't help her she'll do something that will embarrass her and Uncle Josh." I told my sister. " I'm not gonna look back and regret the things I didn't do. I want to look back and regret the things I did do." Maya said. "You two can't do this. Your conscience will always bother you." Riley told us. "My conscience would bother me even more if I didn't go with her." I told Riley. "I don't have a conscience." Maya added. "Everybody does, and until yours shows up, I'm going with you two." Riley said. "Oh, really? You're ready to sneak out this window and crash a ten o'clock college party with Maya and I?" I asked her. "I'm so ready." She said. "It starts at ten."

"Okay, how are we pulling this caper off?" Riley asked Maya and I as we sat in class. "Riley, if we snuck out for an adventure, I know you'd tell our parents." I told her. "I promise I won't." Riley retorted. "Who's talking?" Dad asked. "We are. It's us." Riley answered as she raised her hand. "You ain't going." Maya said and Riley lowered her hand. "What is a lie? What are the effects of a lie on the human soul?" Dad asked. "Why are you looking at me?" Riley asked. "The man who summed up the price of a lie was Edgar Allen Poe in the Tell Tale Heart." Dad told us as walking in front of his desk. He pointed at Farkle, "Farkle."

Farkle opens his mouth to speak. "So," Zay started, standing up. "This guy chops somebody up, hides him in the floor. He's cool for a while, but all of a sudden, boom, boom. Boom, boom. Boom, boom!" Zay slammed his hand onto his desk. "His guilty conscience made him hear the heartbeat under the floorboards. So, he gave himself up. Some people just ain't cut out for this stuff." "He called on me you know." Farkle told Zay. "I know stuff." Zay said as he walked to Farkle. "I know a lot of stuff. I know stuff about you." "You don't know anything about me." Farkle replied.

"Boom, boom." Zay said. "Why would you do that?" Farkle asked. "Boom, boom." Zay repeated. "I don't understand. Why would you do that?" Farkle asked again. "Boom, boom!" Zay repeated as he hit the two desks with his hands. "All through kindergarten, I never fell asleep once. I was faking all my naps. Faking them. I can't do it. I don't know how Maya can just fall asleep anywhere." Farkle said, as Maya began snoring. "Okay guys, so the story is that the conscience is more powerful than we realize." Dad said, slamming his hands on Maya's desk. "I never wake you up." Maya said.

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