Chapter Three

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Taehyung made sure they kept his hand.

When he was first brought to the hospital, barely conscious, the one thing he managed to mutter out before reaching unconsciousness was "keep my hand."

He needed his hand. He was an artist. The doctors also knew this, so when Dr. Jung heard him utter these words, he knew right away what had to be done. He called for an O.R. to be prepped and had a nurse page the on call plastic surgeon as well as a general surgeon to inspect his ribs and any internal bleeding that may be occurring inside his bruised abdomen.

It was going to be a long surgery. Maybe not for the general surgeon who could leave as soon as she was done, but for Dr. Jung the plastic surgeon, the anesthesiologist, and the nurses, they had a long way to go.

Taehyung was told that any other doctor most likely would have just amputated his hand due to how severe the damage was. But Jung Hoseok knew that if someone had the opportunity to save his own hand but instead opted to take the easy route and cut it off, his life would have been ruined. He wouldn't ever be able to perform surgery again. His one passion in life- his career- would be over. So he took extensive measures.

His hand- in multiple places- was shattered. Some places were easier to fix than others, he was told, as there were a couple clean breaks that could easily be fixed with a splint. But for the majority of it, Dr. Jung had to completely reconstruct his hand, build a new skeletal frame. With metal plates, pins, and screws, and even a bone graft, he worked for hours on end attempting to save this artist's hand.

The whole time, Dr. Jung kept in mind that he had to regain full mobility. His patient needed this hand and every decision made in surgery would decide whether or not his hand would function properly.

When Taehyung woke up from the anesthesia, he didn't remember what happened. He didn't know where he was, why he was there, or even what was going on. But yoongi was there next to him, comforting him and easing the information into his head. Yoongi told him how drastically his life would change. He wouldn't be able to paint for a while, he'd need to start physical therapy- possibly therapy with a counselor to help cope as well-, and he'd eventually need more surgery to help his hand with more mobility and to take out some of the pins and plates.

But yoongi never left his side, he was the one constant in Taehyung's life. Through his tantrums and angry outbursts of frustration, to his nights of crying over what he's lost—Yoongi was there.

Yoongi has stayed with him through the toughest era of his life. So when Yoongi needed something, Taehyung was always willing to help him out.

That's why Taehyung is getting up early to go to a tattoo parlor with his friend.

Wow, my grey's anatomy obsession is really going to good use. (PS I'm not a doctor, half this stuff could be wrong but I'm trying my best with google so just go with it. Pretend I'm right)

For those who have made me covers: I do plan on using all of them! I'll change the cover every couple updates💜💜

(Updates will most likely be every other day)

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