
"You blanked out when I asked which element you want to choose." Andrew said.

"You can blame yourself for that, for being so hot and having such captivating eyes." I flirted.

2 hour later

Nothing interesting happened, as usual. I repeated everything Elizabeth said making me doubt if she had help from Google.

"At last some peace." I sighed in content.

"For you or for me." Lizzy asked in disbelief.

"For me duh." I stated as a matter of fact.

"Leave that. Tell Victoria to grab her gun we are going man hunting." I informed.

"Alright don't get hurt." she said before hunging up.

I love solitude so calm, serene and peaceful unlike my soul.


"No one is here yet, why are we here" questioned Victoria for the upteempth time.

"I heard Jack saying one container will be here and I know for a fact he is not intellectual enough to trick people or trap them by installing cameras in this place."

"Good idea but how is he going catch the criminal if he doesn't install the cameras and there is a rat among them." Victoria said with scorn.

I nodded my head

" We've been guarding this place for more than two hours. I do not have a good feeling about this." I said warily

"That makes, two of us. Let's head out and take a look there, something is definitely not right." She told me heading towards the container.

We went there and open the container, earning a gasp of disbelief from Victoria.

"Gone." she said in a daze.

"As expected." I stated in a matter of fact kind of way.

"But we were guarding this place." she said in disbelief.

"Ugh these people are useless they won't contribute anything, do we really need to help them. If it's for the money then I will pay you double the amount." she added groaning.

"That's a really a good offer but I don't like to go back on my words." I said.

"Whatever I'm just accompanying you not helping you. They tell the whole world of their plan and they expect their shipments to not be stolen, the idiocy." She said angrily.

"Dude you need to calm down. It's not like this is the first time we did this.". I said.

"At least they did not tell all the alleged trusted men but only some or none. These persons are stupid their death is imminent." she yelled.

"Calm down. Deep breaths. In. Out. In. Out." I said grabbing her shoulders.

"I know these people are stupid but they swallowed their pride and asked for help and you know I never like to miss the chances of getting a good adrenaline rush. So what if there are a lot of people they trust at least they trust, and you know it is the hardest and precious thing you can give to a person in this lifestyle. Plus more people we gotta keep a close eye on. The more the merrier." I explained.

"Fine help them but with their peanut sized brain I highly doubt they are going against assassin agency, even if they did they will get their asses kicked." she said nodding her head.

"At last your calm." I said. Victoria hates wasting time on people doesn't know how to keep things under wraps or trusting people just cuz they are accustomed to seeing them. Personal reasons.

We went in different direction looking for hints which will lead us to at least one person that stole whatever that was in there. I saw nothing but tar when I came across a chocolate wrapper, a lollipop wrapper to be more precise. I took it in my hand making sure I pinched it in the middle, examining it. There was saliva in the edges and teeth marks. The person definitely used there teeth to rip the wrapper and we can use the salive to track down the person. Damn that was easy.

" Got a hint on who infiltrated this shipment." I whispered to myself.

"I don't think you've got that right." lizzy said in the same tone in the ear piece.

"Why not." I asked.

"Turn around and you might as well see why."

And that's exactly what I did making me witness Victoria licking and sucking a lollipop like her life depended on it.

"Why are you looking at me like that." she asked tentatvily.

"I'm sorry am I cockblocking you." I hollered.

"And you, you better stop laughing."I said to Lizzy. Victoria is looking at me like I grew another head. Guess she was so determined in sucking the life out of the lollipop, her surroundings disappeared for her.

" What flavor is that and why didn't you buy me one." I complained.

" Strawberry. If you want you can go buy one yourself." she said.

I looked at the cover in my hands and it was of strawberry's. There are no leading in this place then. I prepared to leave before a thought struck me.

"Victoria where is the candy's wrapper. " I asked.

"Here." She said and searched in her pocket and turned to me smiling sheepishly. Unbelievable. I can't believe I grew a little hope for nothing.

"Be careful next time if you don't want to be tracked down." I said showing her the wrapper and shoving it down her awaiting palm.

"What will I do without you." She joked.

"You probably would've died in a ditch already." I said and glared at her.

"You think they stole the shipment to extort money." she asked once we were in the car making me shake my head.

"If that was the case they would've came forward a long time ago. This is something else. Only the person behind this can answer it." I said

Black Mask [Book 1] [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now