Chapter 9: with arms outstretched

Start from the beginning

" he's right for what it's worth. Knowing you, you were probably just being nice to the guy and he took advantage of that" Nathan said looking down at his bruised knuckles as he thought about the guy who did this to her

" I know I've said it like a million times already by thanks for coming to get me and looking after me" Alex said knowing things could have gotten worse for her if he hadn't been there for her like he had been

" honestly I'd do it again if I had to. I'm taking this brother thing seriously... oh hey, I've got to go but I'll se you guys at practice" Nathan said suddenly getting distracted when he saw Haley walking by

" he knows that he was being obvious about going after Haley there, right? I'm cool with it as long as he doesn't hurt her" Alex said as AJ placed his arm around her as a way of bringing her close to him

" which I'm sure he will since we all know how scare you can be when you're angry... hey, you know that I was terrified when Nathan call and told me what happened. I swear if anything had happened to you-"AJ said before Alex cut him off by kissing him gently since it seemed to calm him down

" but it didn't, okay? I'm fine, nothing is going to happen to me" Alex said trying comfort and reassure him that she was fine as AJ leaned into her touch as she gently cupped his face with her hand

" hey, so I have something you" AJ said as he pulled his backpack around so he could pull out a hook to give to her as he realised that loved seeing her smile when she saw it was a book and nothing else

" 1984 by George Orwell" Alex said as she read the title of book that he had handed her as she smiled as she thought about their conversation about books and ridiculous opinions that they had about books

" yup, you know since we agreed to read each other's favourite books and all" AJ said knowing that she had agreed to read his favourite while he agreed to read hers which was Little Women by Louisa May Alcott

" that we did and in the name of that agreement, here's your book to read. Be kind to the Little Women, they've been through a lot" Alex said hugging the book before handing it over to him as he chucked

" I'll cherish them as if they are my own... come on, let's head to class before we're late" AJ said thankful that they had first period English together since he didn't to leave her side just yet


Soon the Ravens basketball team found themselves back in the gym for another practice, although this once started a little differently since Whitey wanted to give the team a not so peppy pep talk since they had big game coming up in the form of the team from Cove City as he preyed and hoped that the Scott siblings wouldn't fight or do anything to ruin the undefeated streak that they had going so far. Which was why Alex along with the rest of the team were currently sitting on the bleachers after getting ready for practice as they waited nervously to hear what their coach had to say.

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