"They're my family." He shrugged as if this answered everything.

They lapsed into companionable silence, though every time she glanced at Ethan he looked conflicted, almost like he wanted to break the silence but wasn't sure how. It was amusing to watch him struggle, but she took pity on him.

"So where are you taking me today?" She watched Ethan breathe a sigh of relief. Yet the tension in his shoulders didn't ease.

"It's a secret, but I thought you deserved a little treat. You've been under too much stress lately and since you've allowed me to take care of you, I'm taking my job very seriously." He winked at her.

"So you're not going to tell me?"

Ethan only smirked and shook his head. Ivy pouted, causing him to laugh.

"Don't worry, we're almost there." He assured her.

Satisfied by his answer, Ivy turned to look out the window, trying to see if the street signs would give her any clues. She lowered the window a bit and enjoyed the sun on her face. The April heatwave was continuing to deliver, and it only brightened her mood.

A location continued to appear on the road signs and she tried to tamp down on her excitement. Not wanting to get her hopes up in case she was horribly wrong. But as they turned into the old cast iron gates, she couldn't help but start bouncing in her seat.

"Kew Gardens! You're taking me to Kew Gardens." Then she noticed the number of people walking around them. "Are you sure you're allowed to drive in here?"

Ethan chuckled at her enthusiasm and her question. "Yes, I'm allowed to drive in here. Don't worry, it's all been arranged."

Only half of Ivy was paying attention to him, her other half was too busy looking at the lush gardens they drove past.

He'd barely stopped the car before she was out and walking towards the patch of grass. He doubted she'd even noticed the man stood by the car waiting for him.

"Sir, everything is ready. When you're ready to head to the enclosure someone will be there to help you. Enjoy your time in the gardens." The lad smiled at him before taking Ethan's keys and driving off.

"I take it you approve?"

Ivy twirled at the sound of Ethan's voice behind her. "I haven't been here in years. Danny will freak when I tell him," she exclaimed, dragging him over to check out a patch of flowers.

"This does seem like something he'd like."

She nodded her head enthusiastically. "He was the one who used to bring me here. He used to say it was research for the garden but secretly I think he just enjoyed escaping the house for a while."

"You spent a lot of time with him when you grew up?" Ethan asked her as they continued walking.

"I did. My parents were never around. The garden was my place of solitude, and Danny paid attention to me. I must have driven him nuts, following him around all the time," she mused aloud.

Ethan laughed at her, bringing her back to the present again. "I doubt you could drive anyone nuts." His fingers entwined with hers.

"Ha. We'll see if you'll still be saying that by the end of the day." Just then her eyes landed on the sign she'd been looking for. "Come on, you have to see the Palm house. It's like stepping into another world."

She dragged Ethan towards the glass structure, sparkling in the sun. It was only the pressure of his hand that stopped her all out running.

She and Danny had often roamed around the giant greenhouse. No matter what time of year they went, it was always humid to accommodate the exotic plants there.

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