Happy Birthday

377 6 1

July 11

Lev:guys wake up let's go to piper it's her birthday
Sophie:ok I'm up(rubs her eyes)
Jentzen:what time did you wake up (yawns)
Lev:like 6
Jentzen:it's 7 . Why did you wake up so early
Lev:cause I got this (show them a picture of puppy)

The puppy Lev's gonna give to piper

Sophie:YOU BROUGHT PIPER THE PUPPY Lev:yeah but I'll give it to her later Jentzen:are you trying to win her heart Lev:pfttttt no

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Lev:yeah but I'll give it to her later
Jentzen:are you trying to win her heart
Lev:pfttttt no.... Fine yes
Sophie:aww that's sweet . What about the other squad members
Lev:they said 5 more minutes . I'll go to Piper's room (starts to run)
Jophie:wait up (runs after Lev)
(They go to Piper's room)
Lesojen(Lev+Sophie+jentzen):HAPPY BIRTHDAY
piper:thank you (rubs her eyes ) where's the other squad members
Piper:let's go down stairs (she gets up)
Sophie:gosh I forgot it's so cold
Jentzen:here (removes his hoddie and gives it to Sophie )
Piper:(takes out levs hoddie that he gave to her And wore it )
Jentzen:is that lev's hoddie
Piper:yeah he gave it to me when I got attacked by James
Lev:let's go .
Sophie:I'm to lazy for stairs
Piper:same (yawns)
Jev:hop on (there back faces super and they get on . Sophie and piper were resting there head on jev's shoulder )
(They got down stairs )
Blake:HAPPY BIRTHDAY PIPES (hands her a gift ) *piper gets down from levs back*
Piper:what is this (opens it and there's a braeclet with the word "best sister in the world") aww thanks Blake(she hugs him)
Blake no prob
Cody:so what's your plan for your birthday
Piper:I want to go swimming but I can't since I have a cast
Lev:maybe we can do things you like
Piper:great Idea
Lev:ohhh I have a surprise for you (runs out the door to his mom and comes back)
Piper:is that for me (points at the puppy)
Piper:*cries*thank you so much (hugs Lev )
Lev:no worry's here hold him
Piper:AWWWW he's so cute
Lev:what are you gonna name him?
Piper:hmmmm. Levi
Lev:why Levi?
Piper:cause you gave him to me 😁
Blake:nice job bro (fist bumps Lev)
Piper:when did you get him
Lev:well when you told me your birthday was July 11 i knew that you'll love a puppy and I'm friends with the breader of Levi
Jentzen:why are you so cool
*They laugh*
Jenna:morning guys
piper:come on Levi I'll interduce you to holly (walks back you her room and Lev follows)
Piper:*opens the door* holly look you have a buddy now (she puts down Levi )
Lev:your so cute
Lev:I have one more thing for you (brings out a small boxs)
Piper:what's that ?
Lev:(hands her the box) open it
Piper:(opens the box) *tears up*

 Levi Lev:why Levi?Piper:cause you gave him to me 😁Jophie:AWWWWWWBlake:nice job bro (fist bumps Lev) Piper:when did you get him Lev:well when you told me your birthday was July 11 i knew that you'll love a puppy and I'm friends with the breader o...

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