Chapter 14

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Pearl shaped tears fell from my closed eyes.

I put my head on my knees.

The smell of cheap cleaning products fill my nose.

The janitors closet was cold and damp, merely a hole in the wall.

I had another incident with Christina. Tobias doesn't know. He's probably looking for me.

It was lunch and as usual, the six of us (Tobias, Zeke, Shauna, Uriah, Marlene, and I) were sitting outside in our spot.

I had to go to the bathroom and just my luck, Christina was in there.

"I know your secret," Her cold eyes went to my stomach, "If you don't leave Four I will make sure everyone knows. Oh and don't tell anyone about this, kay?"

Could one of my friends be a traitor?  Shauna and Marlene don't know. There was literally no other way Christina could know.

"Tris!" It was Caleb and Tobias. Of course.

I muffled my sobs and scooted all the way to a corner so they couldn't see me.

Tobias opened the door and his eyes immediately landed on me.

"Tris." Tobias's words were soft and he came and gently pulled me into his lap. Caleb sat beside us.

"What happened?"

I shook my head. Tears still falling.

"Tris you have to tell us so we can help you." Caleb said.

Tobias was stroking my hair gently.

I pulled from him quickly, backing up slowly, "" I mumbled.

He looked at me hurt.

"Let's get you home." Tobias said gently, the hurt in his voice shining through.

"I'll tell the office." Caleb walked out.

I stared at Tobias, my eyes wide.

He didn't look me in the eye, just picked me up, despite my protests.

He carried me to the car and gently put me in the passenger seat.

Caleb has his own car.

The ride home was silent, other than my sniffles.

As soon we got home, I ran to my room and locked the door.

Tobias (Merry Christmas! This is your present;))

I called Mrs. Prior and told her the situation.

She said she would get home as fast as she can.

Caleb walked through the door moments later, "So?"

I shook my head.

Tris always loved when I comforted her.  It hurt me when she pulled away. I think we are all just scared.

"Dont think about it to hard Tobias, something terrible really must have happened." He knows something. I know he does. He said it so causally like he's expecting something.

"What do you know?" I ask through gritted teeth.

His eyes widen and he starts stuttering. I push him against the wall. "What do you know?" I asked quietly, my deadly stare locked on his fear shined eyes.

"Boys." Mrs. Prior's soft voice comes from behind us.

"What is going on?"

"He knows something about what happened and he won't tell us." I whisper, my eyes still locked with Caleb's.

"Caleb you have to tell us. Your only making things worse."

Tears start rolling down Caleb's cheeks.

"I told Christina about Tris and her situation." He whimpers.

"You sick bastard." I growl.

"Four calm down. Who's Christina?"

"She is a stuck up bitch who likes to make Tris feel like she is nothing.She's always putting Tris in the ground."

"Language Four!" Mrs. Prior yells at me.

"I need some air."

I leave the house and drive to the nearest gym.

The gym is empty and I quickly change into my extra set of clothes in my car.

I take everything out on a punching bag, not even bothering to wrap my hands.

Stupid traitor of a brother..

Stupid accidents....

Stupid words...

Stupid fucking Christina...

I watch as the bag falls off the chain. I've been here for an hour.

I clean up and drive around for another hour, dreading what I have to face when I get home.

Everything that hurts Tris hurts me too. If she cries, I want to cry. Besides the sparks, I guess the emotianal pack we have built together is a sign we are meant to be.

I finally go home.

I open the door quietly and see Mr. and Mrs. Prior comforting Tris. They all look up at me but I just walk to our room.

I'm really not mad at anyone, just Caleb.

My anger always shows up in the worse places. I don't want to hurt Tris anymore than she already is.

I take a cold shower, the water freezing my anger, calming me down.

I walk downstairs and sit on the floor, far from everyone else.

I can feel everyone staring at me, but I just trace the patterning of the floor with my fingertip.

Everything has to get better. It has to.

To be continued...

(Merry Christmas. I'll update soon. What do you think? All I want for Christmas are some comments please. Comments Please. :) This chapter is really long. Ho Ho Ho

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