Then, Suho nodded with Y/N's words and smiled.

   He understood too?!

   Now, Jungkook was even more confused. What the hell could be a language in which a foreigner and two South Korean natives could understand together, besides Korean?


   Jungkook's eyes widened when the thought came to him. No, it wasn't possible. Hyrish was a language that only hybrids could speak and understand, and Jimin wasn't a hybrid. The other two, he wasn't sure, but Jimin? There was no way.

   But there was.

   The weird sounds, what he ate, his teeth-- was Park Jimin one of those creatures?

   And so, Jungkook's investigation began.

   He started to watch the couple even closer. He noticed how at the McDonald's incident, when they were running for their lives, that Y/N didn't even break a sweat. She wasn't even remotely tired and wasn't panting at all.

   Cross Country my ass, he thought.

   Jungkook once again heard the same strange language, but this time, Jimin spoke in it.

   Evidence number one.

   When the two were at the dorms alone, and Jungkook and his members had gotten back, the two had lay down and acted like they were asleep. They were obviously doing something else, but stopped.

   But how the hell had they heard them?

   It seriously made no sense to him. They were all the way in the living room, while Jungkook and his friends were outside the front door. Jimin and Y/N had to have really good hearing or had been right outside the door, listening for them, which was highly unlikely.

   Evidence number two.

   Then there's when Y/N was almost raped. Her and Jimin's story didn't exactly add up. Everyone heard the roar that erupted out of the alleyway. They claimed that a passerby hybrid helped them out, then ran away. But. . . there's only one entrance to the specific alley. Jungkook had gone to check it out while both Jimin and Y/N were unconscious. So, either the hybrid could fly or teleport or some supernatural shit, or Jimin and Y/N's story was false.

   He again heard Y/N and Jimin use the foreign language, and even confronted them about it. Of course, nobody believed him and he was scolded for ease dropping. How annoying. However, this time, he heard Suho speak it, too. When Y/N and Jimin were sharing their story with the police officer, at a certain spot, they spoke in hushed voices to one another. Jungkook tried his best to listen in, but failed. This majorly frustrated him, because he could've used it as a major lead. How disappointing.

   Evidence number three.

   And then there's the day that they got out of the hospital. Jungkook had gone home from the BigHit building before the others because he had already finished all of his recording. Jungkook was gazing out of his bedroom window boredly when he saw them. Y/N was giving Jimin a piggyback ride.

   While she was running faster than the speed of light.

   Jungkook's eyes widened and his jaw dropped to the floor at the sight. They quite literally appeared out of thin air. Jungkook clutched his chest and fell back onto the bed. His suspicions were correct? Y/N was a hybrid? No human could run as fast as she just was. It was physically impossible.

   He wasn't absolutely sure about Jimin, however. He almost knew for sure that Y/N was a hybrid, but for all he knew his first guess was correct and it was all a soulmate thing.

   Jungkook needed proof.

   From that point forward, Jungkook knew that he needed to watch Jimin and Y/N even closer. Jungkook needed photo evidence in order to confront the couple about it, so he knew that he needed to catch them either in their hybrid forms or when changing into their animal forms.

   Park Jimin and Y/N L/N had a secret. Jungkook hated secrets.

   Jungkook hated liers.

   And he was determined to uncover the couple's secret, no matter what the cost was.



I've been an ARMY ever since right before the Fake Love music video came out or right after, I can't remember. My best friend showed me the video against my will and forced me to listen to BTS, EXO, and GOT7. I absolutely thought it was very annoying. Then, at my birthday slumber party, she once again forced all of us to watch BTS. When I was with another one of my best friends at her house for a sleepover, we decided on checking BTS out again just to see. And then we fell in love with them. I decided that my bias was Taehyung (now it's a tie between Taehyung and Jimin) and here I am today, two years later. How'd you guys become ARMY's?

Anyway, I hope you all enjoyed the chapter! Please make sure to vote and comment, it really does help.

Bye friends~~<3

His Cheetah | Soulmate/Hybrid | Jimin x Reader✔Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant