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HARRY JAMES POTTER WAS TERRIFIED. He was supposed to go up against the bloody Minister of Magic in two days, and he was most certainly not prepared. How the hell was he supposed to win the trial? Harry doubted the Wizengamot would let him off with his (albeit true) excuse of needing to protect Dudley and himself.

Harry sighed, his head promptly crashing onto his pillow, the silk smushing his glasses into his face. Harry groaned, rolling over and sighing dramatically. He didn't even have Ron and Hermione — they were out shopping at Diagon Alley for the upcoming year at Hogwarts while Harry was sitting in his bed pouting because he had a trial in two days and was likely not going back to Hogwarts this year.

Harry groaned again, but this time it was a little less pouty and a little more depressing. He'd vehemently deny it if you asked, but he had the need to cry.

As he thought more about it, the more it hurt. Hogwarts was his home. Not the Dursley's, not 12 Grimmauld Place, not the Weasley's house. Hogwarts was the only place he'd felt loved and appreciated (not by fans — those were creepy.) for the first time in his life. It had quickly become his favorite place, and now he might never go back. He might never argue with Hermione about doing his Charms homework, or play chess with Ron, or laugh in the Great Hall with his friends, or even argue with Malfoy over every little thing.

He couldn't believe it was all gone so fast — just because of one Patronus Charm. All because someone sent a dementor on him. I mean why else would a dementor be in Little Whinging, Surrey?

Harry sighed again. It was an easy assumption — it was either 'ole Moldy Voldy or the Ministry, because apparently they hated him now. How rude.

Harry was just about to let himself drown in depression again for the fourth time this morning (he woke up fifteen minutes ago), when someone rudely burst into his room at record speed.

"Pup!" Sirius yelled as Harry shrieked because what the fuck Sirius I was dramatically daydreaming about my sad life why did you scare me like that.

"...Harry?" Sirius said sheepishly. Harry smiles before deadpanning,

"Hullo, Sirius." Sirius laughed.

"Merlin, Harry, it's not my fault your senses are dull." Harry gasped in mock offense.

"How dare,"

Sirius laugher again, before sobering up. "Anyways," he said, his eyes brightening, "I came in to tell you something!" Harry cocked his head to the side, somewhat resembling a small doberman puppy.

"What is it?"

Sirius' eyes gleamed as he squealed, "Me and Moony found a way to get you out of the trial with a clean record!"


"REALLY?!" Harry shouted, a smile breaking out. "You're not joking, right, Sirius? You guys really found a way to help me?" Looking at his now excited godson, Sirius smiles warmly.

"Yeah, pup. Follow me to the library — Remus can probably explain it better."

As Harry and Sirius arrive in the Black Library, Remus stands up from the table he was sitting at and gestures then over.

As Harry and Sirius sat down, Remus started off his explanation.

"Okay, Harry, I'm sure Sirius told you we found a way to get you out of that trial with a clean slate. I was going through the library yesterday, looking for new spells to practice, when I stumbled upon a book about the Triwizard Tournament. Of course it was about a myriad of things, but one section stood out — the chapter about the Goblet of Fire. I saw something curious, so I called Sirius in. As we read, I found something out. Apparently, when a person is chosen for the Tournament by the Goblet of Fire, they become magically emancipated. In case you don't know what that means, it basically means that you become an adult in the eyes of the law. Your trace is gone, you can use magic, and buy property— you know, the like. So of course I got excited, because this could be it. Harry, if you're an adult in the eyes of Wizarding Law, that means the accusations against you are false, and therefore you win immediately."

Harry's eyebrows shot up in surprise, he hadn't known that. But Remus and Sirius were right... it could work! Harry grinned, "That's great! Thank you so much, guys."

Sirius and Remus swapped a very similar parental look. "You're welcome, pup."


i would like to dedicate this chapter of my story to emma_s_12 ! she's one of my best friends and reading her amazing story, The Future of Sexual Assault, gave me the inspiration to start writing this! thank you, em, for being an amazing person and an inspiration to me 😽✨ ily bubs

i'm sorry this chapter was so short — especially as a first chapter goes, but it felt right to end it here.

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