•All The Things She Said • 100K THANKS!

3.3K 69 53

"....what a perfect surprise..."

Today I died a little inside. Due to uncontrollable circumstances, I had to push away someone close to me. I was in ruckus all day. Crying, eating ice cream, singing my heart out. It's a bit ironic I write romance and I'm going through the same thing as of now.

Love is so complicated.

I'm sure I'll be fine but it just hurts.

Anyways, I'm so grateful for hitting 100K on this book it means everything to me!☺️ My story started when I had read through tons, and I mean tons of content. Somehow I felt like there were gaps in the ideas, like I had good ideas but I didn't know what to do with them.

I was also ashamed for wanting to try this out, because in this society women aren't supposed to do things like this; express wild sex fantasies so publicly and freely. I had been sheltered all my life, but this was sort of my outlet. It kind of helps my confidence being anonymous.

So to anyone out there who wants to be where I am as a writer, I'll give you the best advice.

Just start.

Don't think about where it's going, just take the first step and figure it out as you go.

I thought I was never capable of something like this, that this was not meant for me and I was a mere consumer...but I was so wrong. Choose who the fuck you wan to be. Your life is too short not to.



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Okie byeeeeee😁

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Okie byeeeeee😁

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