He did what?

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Hey guys so I know i just updated yesterday, but I felt like I had to! Double update!!!!!! Enjoy babes! Muah!

*Janes POV*
Weeks went by and I really didn't get to see Adam. I knew that when a person jumps into a relationship that you wouldn't see them around alot. So I guess I became a little grumpy cause I didn't get my Vitamin A (get it, A-Adam :D). I did my casual everyday thing and went to Mr. Antlers class. As I walked in, you wouldn't believe who I saw. Were my eyes deceiving me or was he actually here?

"Hey Agatha, hey Kyle, hey Nickolas," and lastly I say with a small breath, more like a whisper,"hi, Adam.".

"Hey, it's been forever since we talked huh?", he states the obvious.

"Yeah, so what's new?", I try to be less awkward.

"Just hanging out with you guys, you ok?", he questions.

"Yeah, just ready for Halloween!", I say in attempt to sound more assured.

We went about as usual, but one thing filled my mind ' why was he here and not with his beloved girlfriend'.

A couple days passed and the question was building. It was break and I saw him with that smile on his face, god that smile was contagious and his laugh.

"Hey Adam, can I ask you a question?", I asked.

"Yeah, hold on guys.", he tells Kyle and Jay.

"Hey, I know it's none of my business, but why are you hanging out with us, what about your girlfriend?", I asked.

"Oh no, I broke up with her a while ago.", he said bluntly.

"What, why?", I said trying to hide the smirk that was playing on my lips.

"Because it was all about her. Like when I had an issue she would tell me to get over it and move on, but when she had an issue I had to call her and hear her ran about it and I had to apologize for something I didn't do and I was getting tire of it so I broke up with her.", he explained.

"Oh, I'm sorry to hear that, but maybe it was for the best.", I try to lighten the situation.

"Yeah, it wasn't working out anyway. Thanks nigga.", he says and walks back to the boys.

I stand in the same spot as he left and said more in a hushed tone, "Welcome.".

Turns out our club for school was doing a little game day for kids to start the Halloween celebration early. My costume was ready to go since last year. We all discussed our outfits and were ready to give the kids a good time.

I brought my costume and some stuff to help Adams with his. I brought a straighter and some black hair paint because his costume was more of a goth look.

I walked into our meeting spot in the morning. "Oh my lord, I don't understand your costume choice.", I tried my best to hide my laugh.

"I'm expressing the way music I like is and I need your help. Please!!!!!", he practically begged.

"Okay, okay.", I gave in. "Take a seat down in my lair and watch mama do her work.".

He took a seat and I got to work on his hair and straightened but the thing is his hair was short and hard to do.

"Dude, your hair is short and I don't think it's going the way I want it to.", I pointed out.

"Just burn the shit, just do it.", he said.

"Okay, if you say so.", and with that I did his hair and oh lord he looked good with the way his hair looked. If god was making me suffer then you win! He looked like a fallen angel that people warn you about, I was willing to tell them otherwise.

"Okay, you're good now I need to get to class or Mr. Bartley with literally call me out so I will see you later.", I said in a rush and could not even hear his words after I left.

Third period rolled around and it was time for me to suit up(wink wink). I went to the bathrooms and changed into my Thing 2 costume and went back to AP Biology.

I walked in through the doors and was met by the eyes of Adam. Everyone in the class was now staring at me and I couldn't care less because I was focused on the boy from across the room.

"Oh my god, I love your costume Jane!", screamed Agatha.

"Thanks, I like your witch costume.", I said with alot of joy.

"Thanks, come on and come to my desk so we can do the finishing details.", she said while leading me to her desk.

"I really like your costume Jane it screams 'hey look at me I'm a child character'!", he said with hand gestures.

"Ha ha ha, laugh all you want pal, but mines better than yours kid.", I said to him.

"Anyways, remember we have to check in to our next class.", he pestered us.

"Yeah yeah, I think Mr. Pots is subbing for us.", I said making a brief point.

The bell rang and we went to go to our next class and Mr. Pots wouldn't hurry up and kept repeating my name "Jane" and it was rather obnoxious. We all split up and were gonna meet in front of Mr. Antlers class cause he was our club advisor.

We all met up and started to spray Adams hair while Kyle watched.

"Why are you spraying your hair dude?", questioned Kyle.

"Because I want to experience the full goth look so I'm gonna paint my hair black cause it's brown.", he says while trying to cover his mouth so the toxins won't go into his mouth.

Kyle was about to say a rude remark.

"Shut up Kyle gosh!", I screamed as I covered Adams eyes and mouth.

Next Agatha sprayed my hair blue and I could not breath.

Finally, Nickolas decided to show up and we all made our way to the gym for some fun( not that fun ;)).

As we helped the kids, Adam thought of a story that connected both of our costumes and I thought to myself 'This is going to be good.'.

"Okay so I'm the outcome of me growing out of my childhood heading down a dark road and losing who I was when I was younger and you," , he says putting one arm around my shoulder," are the only think that's left of my innocence. When people ask where's Thing 1 I say he faded away and you are what's left keeping my happiness alive.", and with that he brought out a smile.

"Wow and you thought of that Adam?", and he just nods his head as if to say guilty, "that is probably the best explanation of our costumes.", I complimented and hugged him.

Throughout the whole day he had me by his side telling everyone our costume story. I just stood by him and smiled and even laughed at the idea he had.

Who knew a simple costume could have a such a great story behind it!

If this doesn't make you smile then I don't know what will. I was falling for this kid, but should I be?

Two friends, is it destined, fate or simply a mistake?Where stories live. Discover now