Chapter 2

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You woke up and realized you were late for work. You had two missed calls from your grandmother. You had to call her back so she wouldn't worry about you. She didn't like the fact that you had moved to a big city where people get robbed or killed all the time as she put it.

After it rang for a minute, she picked up. "Hi (f/n), how are you? Are you feeling okay?" At this you smiled. You were very close to your grandmother. She was the one who helped you sell your art when you still lived with her.

"I'm fine grandma," you told her.

"Just making sure. Couldn't have my baby hurt now."

"Well I'm late for work, I'd better go. Love you, grandma."

You hung up and laughed a little. She always called you her baby. While you had been talking you had gotten ready and grabbed the picture of a porcelain doll you painted. That was the one the woman wanted yesterday. You decided to go ahead and give the lady a call.

You got in your car and called the woman. She answered while you were pulling out of the driveway, "Hello?" She sounded as if she'd never gotten a call before. "Hi, this is (f/n), and I wanted to let you know that I have the painting you were interested in. If you want to take a look at it up close go ahead and come by today sometime."

The woman, Julie was her name, said she'd be there soon. She hung up as soon as you parked behind your store.

As you made your way around the building to unlock the door, you saw a man (no it is not who you think it is) standing by the door waiting. You smiled; it was (boyfriend's name or bf/n). You gave him a hug and kissed his cheek, "What are you doing here?" You tried to ask in your sweetest voice possible.

"Waiting for your stupid face," he responded playfully. You guys always joked around in this manner.

"Well I woke up late, I guess I didn't have my alarm set." You unlocked the door and stepped inside, setting the painting behind the counter so that you could save it for the woman.

(Bf/n) was admiring your artwork. You two had gotten together after you met at a party. You bumped into each other and both said, "Hey! Watch where you're going," at the same time. When you both realized you said that you had looked into each other's eyes and laughed. Afterwords he wouldn't stop talking to you, and after two months you decided to make it official that you were dating.

Your love with him was like no other. Maybe it wouldn't last but it sure as hell would hurt if it didn't. You just felt something for him. Although he practically was one of your first serious boyfriends. But to you that didn't matter.

Throughout the day, Julie stopped by to pick up the painting and gave you $35 for it, which you didn't think was very necessary but she insisted. At (store name) you let the customers choose the pricing as long as it wasn't a crappy price for a good piece of art, which wasn't fair to you.

(Bf/n) helped out while you worked, suggesting art that matched the person's style. He liked helping people which was weird because he didn't look like that type of person. He was wearing a black shirt and jeans with a studded belt and a striped beanie with converse.

You worked your heart out until it was 7:30 pm. (Bf/n) left earlier to work. He worked at an all night gas station.

You locked up (store name), got in your car and headed out.

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