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It travels throughout my body, courses through my veins and into my very soul, very slowly and painfully. I can feel it striking at my pure heart, slowly and painfully consuming the light from within and turning it into nothing but darkness. I can feel it changing my very soul, changing who I am.

'Where am I?'

I looked around me, trying to find any any source of light to help me work out where the hell I am. But all I can see is nothing but darkness surrounding me. I tried to move from my spot, but found that my arms were locked in chains, restraining me and preventing me from escaping. I can't even tell if I'm lying down on something or hanging along the wall like some rag doll.

'What's happening to me?'

As the darkness travels throughout my entire body, I feel nothing but extreme pain and agony. It feels as if my veins are on fire and I'm being torn apart from inside my body. I wanted to scream and shout so bad, but my throat felt really dry and not a sound could be heard. I felt tears forming in my chocolate brown eyes and running down my cheeks.

'Can someone, anyone, please save me from this nightmare.' I silently begged as more and more tears fell from my eyes.

A Werewolf AngelKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat