hawks(keigo takami) x reader: 𝘭𝘦𝘢𝘷𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘯𝘰𝘵𝘦𝘴

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_______first person pov_______

My phone buzzed, notifying me that I received a text message.

Keigo: Hey, wanna come over?

I sighed, with slight anxiety rising in my stomach. Keigo, the number two hero, Hawks, and I had been close for a long time. Recently, however, our friendship turned into something where the lines were blurred between having a relationship and remaining platonic. Texts like these usually resulted in the same situation every time; I come over, things get heated, I spend the night, and he's gone doing hero work by the early morning. We were your classic friends with benefits, in a sense.

Despite knowing my true feelings and the risk of them being damaged by indulging him in this way, I texted him back.

(Y/N): I'll be there in a bit

I turned my phone off, got changed into more decent clothes, and made my way out of my house. Keigo lived only a few blocks away, so walking there was easy enough. The sun was hanging low in the sky, casting an orange hue over everything the light touched. Within 10 minutes, I was at his doorstep. I knocked a couple of times, and he opened the door almost immediately. Keigo gave me a goofy smirk, stepping aside to allow my entrance.

"What took you so long?" he asked teasingly.

I nervously tucked a lock of hair behind my ear. "I walked." I began trying to avoid eye contact with him, getting progressively more nervous. "It's been so nice out recently, y'know? I thought I might as well get some fresh air." Oh, my God, am I seriously talking about the weather with him now?? I mentally cringed at my anxious and sudden talkative-ness and finally met eyes with the winged man in front of me.

He chuckled, a pleasant sound that made my heart skip a beat. "I was kidding, relax," he laughed, walking into his kitchen. "Want anything to drink?"

"No, I'm alright, thanks," I responded, standing stiff like a statue in his foyer. I had been here so many times before, so why did it feel like new territory every time I came? His house had this aroma that was so comforting and distinct; a smell I had come to love, but also associated with something shameful.

He came out of the kitchen with a glass of water, and noticed I was still in the same place he left me in. "What's up with you today?" he asked, knitting his eyebrows.

"Hm? Nothing," I shot back, trying to ease my nerves. How was this any different from the past times I had been here? Was it because of the way he smiled, or his cheeky remarks, or his genuine disposition that I was feeling so flustered? I knew exactly why I was so on edge, and I had been trying so desperately to suppress it, but it looked like it was starting to spill over at that moment. I honestly didn't even want to do anything with him, I just wanted to be in his presence; that was enough. Snapping out of my trance, I followed him down the hallway, knowing full well where we were heading.

"I can put on a movie, what are you feeling? Comedy? Action?" he led me into his bedroom, the TV already on.

"Doesn't matter to me," I mumbled, sitting on the edge of his bed. He opened Netflix and began flicking through various movie titles. We settled on [insert movie here], and Keigo climbed into bed, patting the spot next to him, eyebrows raised. I smiled, noting how his golden eyes evaluated me as I shifted to lay next to him. Keigo's arm reached around my lower back and held me close, making my heartbeat ecstatic. In moments like these, I felt that he really cared about me and saw me more than someone he can use as a means of pleasure. His hands soon began to wander as the movie continued, and I knew exactly where this was going.

[ in order to keep this fluff-filled, we are gonna skip the netflix and chill part xoxo ]

The morning sun shot daggers into my eyes as I abandoned the sweet peace of sleep. Pillows and sheets were strewn on the floor, along with my clothes. I rubbed my face, glancing toward the other side of the bed. Keigo, of course, was long gone; his side wasn't even warm where he laid. There was, however, a small, hand-written note just below his pillow. I picked it up and read it.

Feel free to use my shower if you want. There's coffee in the kitchen.

This was strange. He never left notes, let alone offered his amenities to me. I couldn't help but feel butterflies at this small act of generosity. Those butterflies soon fled as I pondered how he still didn't ever try to make our estranged relationship official, or even address our relationship in the first place. As I made my way towards his bathroom, towel in hand, I wondered what he was doing at that moment. Was he thinking about me? Probably not, he's so busy all the time. Maybe that was why he never wanted to be in an actual relationship?

I turned the water on in the shower and inspected my reflection in the mirror. My (h/c) hair was pinned up in a loose ponytail, my eyes looked worn and tired, and I noticed a hickey on my collarbone. That wasn't completely abnormal, but he hadn't done that in a while. It wasn't in a noticeable spot, so I wasn't too worried. I stepped in the shower and rinsed off last night's antics, still thinking about my feelings for Keigo. When I finished, I dressed myself and walked into his kitchen, seeing a thermos on the counter with a sticky note on it. I couldn't help but smile, and picked the thermos up. The sticky note had a heart on it, drawn in red marker. My smile only grew as I thought of him making the note just hours before while I was sound asleep. I noticed the marker on the kitchen table, so I picked it up along with a napkin and made a note of my own.

Thanks K :)
[your first initial]

I left it on the table and made my way out of his house and to my own. This time, I didn't feel quite as guilty as I usually had in the past. My schoolgirl-esque feelings were putting me on cloud nine, and I unlocked my front door with thoughts of Keigo floating around my mind.

________ t i m e s k i p ________

A familiar buzz emitted from my phone while I was laying on my couch, and my heart stopped momentarily when I saw who it was from.

Keigo: Hope you made it home okay.

A weak smile crept on my lips as I set my phone back down. No point in replying right away. Another buzz sounded, and I checked again.

Keigo: Next time, remind me to take you out on a proper date, alright? ;)


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