.i love you no matter what.

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It was a warm day at the Shark, and Skye and Y/N were fishing under the rising sun. They had just finished their breakfast, which was pancakes and scrambled eggs. (Or whatever you want xD) "Ooh, I got one!" Skye said excitedly as her fishing rod was pulling against her. She pulled her rod out and attached to the hook was a small Slurpfish. "Aww, so cute!" You said as it flopped in her hands. You continued fishing for a half an hour or so until both of you got a group text from Midas. It read, "Okay agents, the device is ready. I am going to break this loop, please be careful." "What loop? What device? WHATS HAPPENING?!" You and the other agents had not known about the Doomsday device or the storm loop. Either that or Midas didn't tell you about his plan. You remembered that he tends to keep secrets about things that should be known. Skye and you sat there confused, discussing with each other what this "device" of his could be. She called Midas and he explained what was happening.

🏳️‍🌈✨ • Time skip • 🏳️‍🌈✨
💖💄 • At the Agency • 💄💖

You and Skye took one of her motorboats to the Agency for an important meeting with the rest of the agents. "I assume most of you are unaware of my device to break the loop. Basically, It is my high-tech device carefully crafted by my good friend Jules (MY SENPAI~) to break the storm once and for all. You must be in your assigned areas by the time it is ready, which will be in.. Approximately 10 minutes." Midas explained. "When you get back, I will send instructions from there. Got it?" Everyone nodded.

• Another time skip! • At the Shark •

"Okay, Come on. We gotta get to the last floor." Skye said, looking at her phone screen. You both went to a room in the basement of the Shark. You both stared in shock as a device in the distance started to rise from the Agency. "You know, if this device ruins the world and kills us all, I will love you mo matter what.." Skye said, curling into a ball. "I.. feel the same.." You replied as the storm started to come into the Shark and pushed away as the device pushed it farther away. You passed out by the storm, knocked unconscious by it's raging rain. "I'll love you no matter what.." Skye's words rang in your head. "I'll love you no matter what."

~Quick A/N~ Okay this chapter has two parts, I'm too lazy to write the rest and yes I am going to continue the series as long as people continue reading this. xD Also you can add me if you want, my username is LVNA_Vengeful if you wanna play I guess ;)

fortnite skye x reader (DISCONTINUED)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon